Using the Candida Diet to Get Rid of Yeast Infections

Yeast thrives on sugar so the candida diet eliminates the sugars that contribute to yeast infections. The diet will help you to feel better and has many other advantages as well. Eating healthy will help you to maintain your weight and will allow the immune system to function at maximum capacity.

What Can You Eat?

There are many foods that are recommended on this diet. Once you have gotten rid of the yeast infection, you will find they are much healthier than the foods you were eating.

Fresh vegetables are one food that will be very beneficial while on the candida diet because they will help to rid the body of mycotoxins. These are poisonous elements that are made by fungus. Vegetables, especially raw, will absorb these poisons and remove them from the body.

When you stop eating foods that contain mostly sugar or foods the body converts to sugar you will in effect be eliminating exactly what yeast uses to maintain itself. Your food intake should be what is referred to as 30/40/30.

This is 30% of the food should be protein, 40% should be complex carbohydrates and 30% should be omega 3 fats. Complex carbohydrates are far better since simple carbs just turn to sugar.

Vegetables can include, but are not limited to some of the following:

* Broccoli

* Celery

* Kale

* Lettuce

* Squash

* Spinach

* Tomatoes

* Bell peppers

* Asparagus

* Cabbage

Do not worry - the candida diet is not just vegetables. There are meats that can be consumed on this diet as well. Poultry, seafood, beef, lamb and liver are all permitted. Even sausage, hotdogs and bologna can be eaten occasionally. Read the package to see how much sugar has been added.


When it comes to the beverages you consume, the best one naturally is water, but others are allowed. The water should be distilled since this is the best type of water for taking toxins from the body. A lemonade may be made by using fresh lemons and stevia and soda water, which is quite refreshing.

This is a herbal sweetener containing no calories and is much sweeter than sugar. It comes from the Paraguayan bush, which belongs to the chrysanthemum family. About 200 times the sweetness of sugar, it is used instead for drinks and cooking items that call for sugar.

Herbal teas are another drink that is permitted on the candida diet. Water should be the main drink and at least four glasses of spring water and the same amount of distilled water should be consumed daily. This aids in keeping the body free of toxins.

Benefits of the Candida Diet

Not only will you be eating the right foods to drive the yeast infection from the body, but you will be eating healthier. This can and most likely will allow you to lose weight naturally. Many people have reported losing several pounds while following the candida diet.

One thing you should be prepared for is the possibility of feeling ill the very first days you are on the candida diet. You may feel as though you have the flu. The candida is a fungus that will fight the change in diet and will release toxins. The toxins will make you feel ill for the first few days, but once the candida begins to die, this will stop.

Once your body begins to rid itself of the yeast infection you will begin to feel much better. The immune and digestive systems will return to normal and nutrients that your body needs will be taken in and used more efficiently. Your health will improve and energy levels will increase.

One thing you will have to be very cautious about are the foods that contain fungi. When they are digested by the body they are broken down. The sugars that are the result of the digestion are what yeast uses to survive. There are over 400 different fungi in foods that can adversely affect your health. This is why it is very important to stick to the food recommended. The body is busy fighting off one fungus and does not need others to deal with at the same time.

The candida diet is pretty easy to understand. Taking foods out of the diet that the yeast infection uses to live and grow and replacing them with ones that will basically starve the fungus is the goal. This diet along with the treatments used for the yeast infection should have you on the road to recovery soon.

If you are looking for the candida diet come to us and learn more