Can Cleansing My Body Help To Cure Candida?

It has been found that the Candida parasite can affect various parts of a person's body from the intestine, to the colon, to the liver, the mouth, the genitalia, the hands as well as the skin. But one question that may be raised by some people is can cleansing to cure Candida be effective? Below we hope to provide some answers to this particular question.

Certainly an intestinal cleanse is very valuable especially if you are suffering from candida. As the main objective of this method of cleansing is that it removes the debris, putrefied food and feces as well as the solidified mucus from a person's intestine.

Another way of cleansing in order to cure Candida is by taking some sort of anti-fungal treatment. If you are looking for a more natural remedy rather than using over the counter products then you could try either Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil, Caprylic Acid or Colloidal Silver. It is important that you take one of the above consiste ntly for 1 or 2 months in order to feel the full effects of the cleansing.

However when taking grapefruit seed extract it should be taken between meals and if you find that irritates your digestive tract then you can take it with meals or use the capsule versions instead. You should be taking 10 drops diluted 50/50 with either vegetable or fruit juice for the first 3 days. Then for the next 4 to 10 days you should increase the drops to 15 and it should be used twice daily. Then from days 11 to 28 you will still keep the dose to 15 drops but you will now need to have it 3 times each day. Some people have found that they show satisfactory improvements on the lower of these doses and therefore did not need to increase the amount they were taking for the rest of the treatment period. Then once a person has notice a satisfactory improvement they can begin to reduce the amount of grapefruit seed extract that they are taking. However, if at any time the symptoms shoul d reappear then you will need to return to the much higher dosage. Often a 4 week course of treatment using this particular product will help in cleansing to cure Candida from the body.

Candida Yeast Overgrowth How It Is Contracted Into The Human Body

When we are born the only exposure that we have to bacteria is through our mothers, it is passed on while we are still in the womb. Over the course of a lifetime, a healthy person becomes exposed to many different types of bacteria, no matter how sterile and clean we think our lives are. We drink bacteria in water, and we swallow them on our food, many are airborne so we breathe them into our lungs, they are present on our skin, in our mouths, in our sinuses, and in the gut.

Not all bacteria are dangerous or a Candida yeast infection, many are benign. Some bacteria have a neutral effect, while others are extremely beneficial and we would feel horrible without their presence. A healthy gut with plenty of "good bacteria" is crucial to the digestion of our food. Pro-biotic is a generic term for a substance, which promotes the growth of micro-organisms. Pro-biotic is marketed as foodstuffs which are good for us and are supposed to encourage the growth of healthy b acteria.

So how do our bodies handle damaging bacteria? Imagine a tight rope walker walking over a precipice, a thousand feet above a ravine. It is about balance, purely and simply. There are a number of situations that could create and imbalance in the body and cause it to produce an overgrowth of Candida yeast. One of the simplest and most common is the intake of and excess of complex carbohydrates in our every day meals. Dysbiosis is the name of the process that occurs when harmful bacteria becomes more prevalent than the good bacteria. When damaging bacteria prevail, it is always a systemic Candida attack, there is no such thing as a touch of Candidiasis, and there are no mild symptoms. A systemic attack means that the Candida infection attacks the whole body. However, we all suffer different symptoms because of our individual genetic makeup.

Candida is not and enemy, it is only when it becomes a fungi. As Candida it does not harm, only when the re is an overgrowth. The trick is to take care of your body and stop the Candida yeast overgrowth from becoming life threatening. When you are young Candidiasis would not be fatal but as your body ages an imbalance can lead to conditions that will kill.

Oral Candida is a Candida Yeast Overgrowth of the mouth. This can be caused by many things, generally a depressed immune system and can be a seriously bothersome and painful thing to have. Our sexual behaviour can in certain circumstances transmit Candida yeast overgrowth to others, by intercourse, deep kissing contact with genitals, oral sex, or mouth genital contact. It does not always, if your partner is healthy, their immune system should protect them. If for any reason their immune system is compromised then it can be transmitted.

It is important to know that high fibre foods help to maintain a healthy colon. Low fibre intake has been associated with the proliferation of bacteria which produce e ndotoxins, which are definitely bad for the colon. High fibre foods reduce the colons pH value and promote good bacteria known as Lactobacillus.

Candida Symptoms Males - How to Spot Them and a Guaranteed Cure

Learn how to spot Candida symptoms in males, and, about a completely natural way to approach your cure, which is drug-free, fast, and permanent.

The main Candida symptoms in males for a penile infection are: red/inflamed head on your penis, sometimes spots there, chronic itching, abnormal discharge, bad odor, pain when urinating, dry/flaky skin, pain during sex, difficulty having sex, impotence.

The Candida symptoms in males (and females) for an oral infection are: white/yellow spots on tongue and mucous membranes in your mouth, reddish spots on your lips, difficulty/pain when swallowing, bad breath, sore throat.

Some skin symptoms are; bad rash, acne, skin lesions. But there are other Candida symptoms that might surprise you such as: depression, headaches, irritability, fatigue, joint pain / swelling, memory loss.

You will normally be treated through prescription, or, over-the-counter remedies that are drug-based. And while these can be very ef fective first time out, what many males (and females) are finding is that the Candida infection is either, taking a very long time to clear, or, it does clear only to return time and again.

It is reckoned that this is because these treatments are drug-based and may be treating the symptoms rather than the actual cause, and, it is well known that Candida can become resistant to the drugs after a time.

So, under these circumstances, how do you get rid of Candida symptoms in males fast and permanently? One way that many males (and females) have found out of their predicament is to turn to a completely natural cure that is safe, fast and permanent. They have applied natural, easy-to-follow techniques and have reported fast, permanent cures, and, much better health.

This could be just the solution you have been searching for, so it definitely should be worth a look. To find out how they turned their life around and got rid of their Candida symptoms, click he re and start getting relief in as little as 12 hours.

The Little Known Link Between Premature Birth And Candida

It is important to understand that eating the right diet plays a major role in controlling your Candida overgrowth. This is knowledge that is especially true for expecting mothers, and couples who are planning to become pregnant. Why? Scientific research is finding that many premature babies are born from mothers who have cases of Candidiasis. Furthermore, the infection within the mother was likely passed on to the baby while developing within the womb.

In fact, research has discovered that an expecting mother who has Candida overgrowth has a higher chance of putting her child at risk for premature birth, brain damage, or bowel or lung complications.

How is this possible? Systemic fungal infections, such as Candidiasis, that exist in the mother's blood, can easily be passed to her developing baby by entering the amniotic sac. The amniotic sac is where the fetus develops. The fetus is protected by amniotic fluid which is produced by the placenta du ring the early stages of pregnancy. After the 4th month of gestation, the baby's kidneys begin to work and create amniotic fluid. However, by the 14th week of pregnancy, fluid (blood) from the mother's circulatory system flows into the amniotic sac. If the fluid is contaminated with bacteria, yeast or viruses, it can be passed to the baby through amniotic fluid that has become infected.

Unfortunately, more and more babies are now being born with systemic fungal infection. In other words, yeast is present in the baby's stomach. To make matters worse, studies have found that yeast existing in the amniotic fluid can paralyze the baby's gut wall, which makes the baby constipated at birth. Constipation at this time can be very serious due to the fact that the baby lacks the ability to eliminate inherited toxins from his/her system; toxins that include metals such as mercury.

Systemic fungal infections, such as Candidiasis, are quite common among pregnant women of today. Many believe the reason is because during pregnancy a woman's progesterone naturally increases, as does her blood sugar. These natural changes in a pregnant woman, who already has chronic problems with Candida, or an existing infection, will only encourage Candida growth, resulting in an acute yeast infection. The presence of these infections is what likely triggers premature labor.

How can a mother find out if she has Candida and protect her unborn baby?
Since an expecting mother might not know she has Candida overgrowth and is putting her baby at risk, one of the biggest problems is being able to detect in-utero infections when there are no symptoms.

However, it's now being discovered that by profiling amniotic fluid proteins, health care providers have a better chance of predicting the possibility of premature birth, and can even detect infections in pregnant women that could be potentially dangerous to the fetus. Even thou gh tests are still being developed, researchers strongly believe that detecting and diagnosis intra-amniotic infection or inflammation is vital to the wellbeing of the unborn baby.

Finally, the best thing future parents can do to help ensure the health of their upcoming baby is to make certain their bodies are cleansed of toxins and their gut flora well balanced. This can be achieved by following an anti-Candida diet, which should be started and maintained 6 months prior to becoming pregnant. Both parents should be involved in this anti-Candida program as both parents contribute to the health of the fetus.

Talk to your health care provider to learn more about Candida and pregnancy.

Treating A Candida Rash Naturally

Candida often remains in the body without causing any major problems. However, when the immune system is compromised this yeast can grow unchecked. This can also happen when an antibiotics is taken, or when there is a problem with a vitamin B12 deficiency which causes anemia. When Candida grows out of check, it can show up as an infection in many places in the body. The most common are the vagina, penis, anus, mouth, and sometimes around the finger or toe nails. There are times when this problem shows up as a Candida rash.

This rash is often made up of a large patch of red skin that may be very itchy and irritated. Pustules may form in parts of the rash, and in some cases, it can be white and extremely raw and painful. This rash will appear around the anus or the vagina in women, and can be on the penis and the anus for men. In rarer cases, it might appear around the navel or the finger and toe nails.

Babies can have thrush in the mouth, and the y may also develop a diaper rash that is from the Candida in their system. This is often something they got before they were born from their mothers. Because their immune systems are young, they may have problems with the overgrowth of this yeast.

There are many ways to treat this rash, and the main way is to get rid of the imbalance in the body. When the growth of Candida can be stopped, the irritations and infections will stop growing and can then be treated. Sometimes something as simple as eating a diet that is low in sugar can help keep Candida yeast at bay.

However, there may be natural ways to help get rid of the some of the symptoms, and someone who is experiencing a problem will want to find a way to get rid of the troublesome rash as soon as possible. Not only is it painful, it can be embarrassing when on visible areas of the body.

One of the best things for a Candida rash is to leave it open to the air. Though this is not al ways possible, it should be done as much as possible. This will keep the area clean and dry. This yeast craves dampness, so the drier the area can be the better. When clothing must be worn, it is best to wear materials that are loose, and ones that are made with breathable materials. It is also a great idea to get products made with natural ingredients when they are going to touch the body. Things like toilet paper and sanitary pads with added scents will irritate the rash.

When a Candida rash is present in the vagina or the anus, a simple bath might help it to clear up more quickly. There is a natural mixture of a half a cup of salt and a half a cup of vinegar that can be added to the bath water to promote healing.

When the rash is in the mouth, a mouthwash of apple cider vinegar might work well. Some suggest inserting yogurt or vinegar into the vagina, but it would be best to talk to a doctor about this before tempting to do so. If none of these remedies work, it might not be a Candida rash, or you may need medications to help you clear it up completely.

Education Is Better Then Medication- Some Facts About Candida, Probiotics And The Gut

Educate rather than medicate! It is obvious that no one diet or treatment suits all in the fight against Candida Albicans. The crucial element that applies to everyone is a healthy Gastrointestinal Tract, and our genetic makeup determines in part precisely how that functions. There are broad generalizations that can be made.

Antibiotics destroy friendly and non friendly gut bacteria, when this happens the bad overgrows and mutate into moles which can penetrate the intestinal wall and then is set free to become a systemic infection affecting the whole body. Replacing friendly bacteria, the acidophilus types of intestinal bacterium is crucial to the health of the gastro intestinal tract. While this is very important all the time it is most important during the die off period, when the Candida can thrive again in the empty pockets of the intestines.

Eating raw vegetables is good because raw foods have enzymes present which assist in the digestion of the food. These enzymes are often destroyed by cooking. When we do not digest food completely we fail to get all the nutrients out of that food. Plant based digestive enzymes in the stomach work whether our body is acid or alkaline the pH Balance is not critical, so our bodies find it easier to digest vegetables, once they reach the stomach the digestive process begins. On the other hand, animal based protein, fish or meat, do not begin to work until the stomach content has a pH balance of around pH 3, which means that it needs acid to be digested. Plants such as Echinacea, and thyme and marigold can build the immune system they do not cause the side effects of antibiotics.

The Immune system is the body's natural protection agent. Without it, the body would not be able to defend itself against invading bacteria, viruses, toxins and microbes. Building the immune system is an important part of keeping a healthy body that can repel attacks naturally. Unfortunately, the immune system works silently, we cannot see it working and it is only when factors such as stress or illness affect it that we realize that all is not well.

Homeostasis is a biological condition, which means the inherent tendency in an organism toward the maintenance of physiological and psychological equilibrium. When the body cannot maintain a homeostatic state, unpleasant symptoms occur, these symptoms are the bodies "panic button", it is saying it is out of synchronization. The body will make sure that all essential functions receive the maximum support, this means the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys as vital organism will get the bulk of all available nutrients. Non-essential bodily functions, which include skin replenishment, muscle tone, skin tone, hair replacement, and keeping the joints healthy becomes secondary functions. Although they are not life threatening the effects of them not being carried out can be seen externally very quickly.

All drugs, including drugs considered safe to be bought without prescription such as aspirin, have negative side effects to the body, as they all deplete nutrients. The body can also be aggravated by exposure to environmental pollutants and stress makes it all worse.

Probiotics contain live bacteria and prebiotics are nutrients designed to promote beneficial bacteria in the gastro intestinal tract. The European union have invested over €15 million, which in dollars is nearer $20,000 in trying to find out whether they have a scientific basis. Michael Blaut, head of microbiology at the German Institute of Human Nutrition in Potsdam has pioneered a lot of this research. He maintains that we know little of the ecosystem in the human gut, other than the fact, it is normal for it to have 1.2 kilograms, 2.4 pounds of bacteria.

Molecular biologist Joël Doré working with the French agricultural research agency (INRA) has found that the faeca l matter of adults is quite different. Though his work is unpublished at the moment, it suggests that whilst the gut is capable of supporting thousands of different types of bacteria most people only cultivate about a hundred, partly because we all cultivate bacteria in different ways. Before we are born, our guts are sterile but we accumulate bacteria whilst being born from the vaginal passage and faecal bacteria of our mothers. By the time we are two we have ingested our complement of bacteria and that does not change much as we age. The good news is that this seems to thwart the invasion of new bacteria such as salmonella in the gut. Probiotics cannot permanently affect the contents of the gut; if they are to have any effect at all they must be ingested daily. Preliminary studies show that they can be effective for some people with some types of inflammatory bowel diseases, but not necessarily against a Candida infection.

One Finnish medical study that was co nducted studied the effects on pregnant women of a daily dose of Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and later the babies were to these women were given a daily dose for the first six months of their lives. The results were quite conclusive; the babies were less prone to eczema, which is one of the symptoms of Candida. Dr. Erika Isolauri conducted the survey and whilst the reason why the children were protected is not understood she has hypothesized that the probiotic shifted inflammatory factors in the gut.

There are some dietary guidelines for cleansing the body of Candida:

Eat different foods and rotate the food groups daily.
Eat high fibre foods such as chickpeas to absorb the toxins
Drink at least two litres of pure water daily.
Snack on raw veggies.
Make certain that your foods do not form any form of mold, store them correctly in airtight tubs in the refrigerator and eat them before they get moldy.

How Candida Yeast Overgrowth Works Against Our Bodies

Yeast is a unicellular fungus. Fungi are an organism that lacks chlorophyll the pigment which makes plants green. In the singular, it is called a fungus and examples are moulds, mushrooms, rust and mildew. One of its attributes is that it produces ethanol by fermenting sugars. Yeasts live in a multitude of diverse habitats, such as in soil, on the leaves of plants, and within flowers. Within mammals, they live in the intestine as parasites or by a process known as symbiosis. A parasite cannot live independently; they have to be hooked up, and supplied with food from another organism. Symbiosis means existing together, where there is either a mutual benefit or a benefit to one party.

Remember that Candida Albicans is an opportunist. Candida yeast numbers millions in a healthy gut but if it is not kept in a healthy balance it will invade every inch of the six feet long human gut. Candida yeast does no harm; it is a non invasive organism that ferments sugar. Once it crosses the line and become fungi it develops long root like structures or rhizoids. In fungi, these rhizoids grow as they feed on digested sugars. The rhizoids eventually penetrate the intestinal walls, causing leaky gut syndrome.

How Candida precisely works against your body does depend partly on your genes and your lifestyle, with the latter having a greater impact. If there is a strong genetic propensity that you will inherit a compromised immune system, that does not mean that you will have a Candida overgrowth. No symptom, disease or illness is caused by one factor alone. If you take care of your diet, drink moderate amounts of alcohol, exercise regularly and moderate your stress levels and get plenty of sleep you can overcome a genetic tendency. Unfortunately, for many people this is simply too much effort and they allow themselves to fall victim to an unhealthy body system.

Another factor which affects how the Candida yeast infection wor ks against our bodies is age and gender. It is a common misconception that men do not get yeast infections, they do, but compared to women theirs is not as severe. Seventy percent of sufferers are women and typically, they will have thrush or another vaginal infection.

Children are more likely to suffer from oral thrush, white sores in the mouth which are highly infectious. Small children are more at risk because of the fondness for stuffing anything and everything into their mouths. When a child places a toy that has been in the mouth of a child with oral thrush, they could get it too. The mouth offers a perfect host to yeast infections, it is warm and moist. It is also possible to catch Oral thrush at any age, it is common in patients with a seriously compromised immune system such as those that have Aids or are HIV positive.

Cutaneous Candidiasis is a fairly common skin infection generally caused by a Candida infection; again it targets the warm moist areas, such as the groin, and the armpit. The obese are more at risk because of the excess number of warm skin folds available for the yeast. It is also common inside a diaper in small tots. Candida can also cause onychomycosis, a fungal nail infection whereby the nail gradually works its way from the finger.