Candida Diet Foods to Eat - Safe Foods to Eat When You Have Candida

If you want to know which Candida diet foods you can safely eat, then you had better read this because a poor diet is one of the triggers for Candida (yeast infection). Here you'll get to know the foods to avoid as well as the foods to eat as part of your Candida diet.

But so that you can better appreciate which Candida diet foods to eat and which to avoid, it's as well to get to know the cause of your Candida and some of the underlying issues that can help trigger it...

The actual cause of your horrible Candida symptoms is a naturally-occurring fungus called 'Candida Albicans'. It's a yeast-like fungus that occurs quite naturally in most women and men, usually in the digestive tract, but also in the other areas such as the vagina, mouth, throat, anus, skin folds, under fingernails, etc. It particularly enjoys the warmer, more moist areas like the vagina and mouth.

Normally, it doesn't cause you any problems because you body's good bacteria keeps it in check. But, under certain conditions, your good bacteria can fail to do this, so that the fungus can multiply and 'overgrow' causing the symptoms of Candida.

The typical underlying conditions that can cause this to happen are; diabetes, bad diet, antibiotics and / or steroids overuse, lowered immune system, obesity, medical conditions like cancer and HIV / AIDS, the use of scented douches and sprays, etc. Basically, anything that compromises your good bacteria's ability to do its job (e.g. antibiotics, lowered immune system), and / or, encourages the growth of the Candida fungus itself (e.g. sugar and yeast ingestion).

So you can see how your diet can play a significant role in your Candida. You must cut-out or reduce those foods that 'feed' the fungus, e.g. sugars (refined sugar, fresh fruit, dried fruit, canned fruit), yeasty foods (e.g. breads, rolls, pastry, bagels, muffins), gluten foods (e.g. bread, pasta), vinegars (e.g. white, rice, balsamic, pickled stuff, sauces).

The following are safe Candida diet foods; meats (e.g. chicken, veal), fish (especially oily fish), brown rice, brown flour, fresh vegetables, soy milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, butter, porridge oats, peas, beans, and lentils. For safe bread use wholegrain flour and baking soda for raising.

But although a good Candida diet can play an important role in your recovery from your yeast infection, it cannot be the only thing. You have to address the root cause and any underlying conditions in order to prevent your Candida from returning. Without striking at the very foundations of your infection, it can be difficult for some women to prevent the Candida yeast infection from returning.

If you want to discover how you can do this without expensive drugs and their nasty side effects please go now to and get the facts on how to eliminate Candida in as little as 12 hours.