Fighting Candida With Diet Friendly Snacks

Whether it is after a workout, for a middle-of-the-day boredom buster, or as a way to tide you over to the next meal, healthy snacks are an important part of a healthy diet. Of course, when you think of snacks, it is likely that cookies, chips and other vending machine goodies come to mind, but these simply do not work for someone following a candida diet.

Do not fret! There is a way to enjoy snack time while continuing to keep your body in its prime state for eliminating candida overgrowth with candida snack ideas.

As someone with a candida condition, it's very important to remove all yeast-increasing foods from your diet. Foods to avoid include overly processed foods as well as foods containing sugar and white flour. These foods feed the yeast problem and result in more severe symptoms.

Instead, focus on whole, natural foods and seek out candida recipes. Protein is a great way to build-up the body through nutrition. Also, vegetables and low-glycemic fruit contribute much to the candida diet in the way of important vitamins and minerals, which strengthen the system and are important weapons to have as you fight candida.

Some power-hitters to keep in your arsenal as you consider healthy, candida-friendly snacks include plain, no-sugar yogurt-which supports healthy bacteria in your body, as well as garlic and cayenne pepper to give your immune system a boost.

One important aspect to sticking to a candida diet-all snacks and meals included-is to always be prepared for when hunger strikes. When you are so hungry you could eat anything in sight, you probably will. But if you have healthy, candida-friendly foods at your fingertips, you are less likely to binge on whatever sugar-laden treat may be hanging around the pantry or office break room.

For ultimate success, consider making a potential candida snack list and purchase all of the items needed for a week-full of snacks. Then, you know when you have the urge to snack, you will have appealing options that fit into your candida diet.

Below are a few candida snack ideas to help you as you put together that list:

Creamy Coffee Shake

2 T. Heavy Whipping Cream

2 Whole Eggs, Raw (or powdered whole eggs)

4 oz. Strong Coffee, cooled

2 T. Sugar-Free Syrup (vanilla or caramel are great flavors)

Cinnamon (optional)

3 Ice Cubes + additional ice to pour the shake over

Combine all ingredients in a blender and serve over ice. Try different flavors and combinations to suit your tastes. Another great option is to replace the coffee with 1.5 teaspoons sugar-free Jello mix dissolved in 4 oz. boiling water. It makes a refreshing, fruity shake.

Trail Mix

Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Unsweetened carob chips
Unsweetened, shaved coconut
Mix all together, toss in a baggy and you have a great energy-boosting snack for the car, after a workout or at your desk in the office.

Cheese Crackers and Veggies

Any Shredded Cheese (cheddar is a great choice)

Sliced Veggies (celery, peppers, cucumbers, cauliflower, etc.)

Place small mounds of shredded cheese in a hot skillet and fry until browned and crisp. Remove the cheese and place on a paper towel lined plate to absorb excess oil. Allow to cool and the cheese will become crisp and an ideal substitute for traditional crackers or chips.

Don't think just because you are on a diet you can't enjoy your food. With candida snacks, you can stay right on track with your diet without feeling deprived.

Candida & Yeast Infection Diet Changes - What Foods To Avoid On The Candida Diet!

Did you know that there are currently foods in your diet that are feeding yeast in your body right now? What's worse is if you continue to eat these foods you will NEVER fully eliminate the yeast. The good news is that the yeast infection diet required for prevention is easy and straightforward. The bad news is it can be quite restrictive and difficult for someone who is accustomed to eating anything and everything without consequence.

Today I'll provide you with the 3 yeast infection diet changes that you must make in order to have proper prevention and elimination of a yeast infection.

Yeast Infection Diet Change #1

Stop The Sugar! - So why stop eating sugar, it's seems so harmless? Fact, sugar is the main food yeast feed off of and it also increases bodily fermentation which increases the odds of developing various diseases such as cancer. Harmless... far from it!

Yeast Infection Diet Change #2

Stop The Alcohol! - Alcohol is a by product of fermentation in the body, fermentation being the process through which yeast can rapidly grow and develop. So the last thing you want is something in your body that came from fermentation. Why? Because your liver must detoxify all these by products and whether you realize it or not, it is slowly building up and causing various health problems that will manifest in a few short years from now. Also alcohol directly reduces immune system function and kills the good bacteria in your body that is meant to help defend your body against yeast infections.

Yeast Infection Diet Change #3

Stop The Yeast! - If you're already fighting off a yeast infection the last thing you want to do is put more yeast into your body. The yeast in your food may not create the yeast that causes the infection. It does however provide all the necessary nutrition to the yeast infection with the exception of sugar. If you continue to eat foods with yeast and sugar such as donuts you will have continued yeast infections and the severity will only get worse!

In addition to a yeast infection diet, there are natural treatments you must do in order to eliminate the yeast infection quickly and permanently.

Discover how I got relief from my Vaginal Yeast Infection in hours without the use of harmful drugs (MONISTAT), antibiotics or expensive supplements...

Click the link NOW for immediate Relief

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Are You Getting Enough Calcium From Your Anti Candida Diet?

It's true that oral contraceptives increase the risk of Candida overgrowth, but so can your diet. For instance, foods that primarily feed Candida albicans include foods high in starch and sugar. That being said, other foods, including dairy products (with the exception of butter and eggs) also encourage Candida overgrowth. For this reason, many people try to keep their Candida in check by controlling their diet by following an anti candida diet.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that dairy products encourage Candida growth, particularly in those who have an allergy to milk, most dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream, cream, buttermilk etc.) are often eliminated from the diet. This fact has those on a Candida diet wondering how they can give their body the necessary calcium it needs, without stimulating the growth of Candida albicans.

How can you get the calcium you need without the help of diary?

If you are concerned about calcium, you will be pleased to know that there are many other food sources that contain calcium such as:

- Dark leafy green vegetables (bok choy, kale, cabbage)
- Raw broccoli
- Seaweed
- Dried fruit
- Almonds
- Sesame seeds
- Pinto beans
- Tahini
- Canned salmon
- Canned tuna
- Sardines with edible bones
- Calcium Fortified products (soymilk, tofu, orange juice, etc.)

That being said, you should keep in mind that certain foods that are high in calcium such as spinach and rhubarb also contain oxalates. Oxalates actually block calcium absorption and are, therefore, counter productive. Thus, make sure you research calcium enriched foods before trusting they will provide your body with the calcium it needs. It's also a good idea to visit a nutritionist or dietician if you plan on using non-dairy foods for sources of calcium.

In addition, in order to help your body maintain healthy calcium levels you should limit or eliminate your intake of caffeine and alcohol. These products deplete calcium levels. Furthermore, make sure you exercise regularly. Lack of exercise is another way to reduce calcium levels.

If you are having a difficult time ingesting foods rich in calcium, or are worried you are not meeting the daily requirements your body needs, you should talk to your doctor about taking calcium supplements.

It is highly recommended that you consult your doctor first before you begin taking calcium supplements. The reason is because it is not possible to accurately determine the correct amount of calcium your body requires without knowing your body chemistry first. There are many different calcium supplements on the market, and there is a high possibility that you can pick one which will make your pH worse rather than improving it.

You see, the vast majority of the less expensive calcium supplements have calcium carbonate listed as their main ingredient. Calcium carbonate is usually created from oyster shells or ground limestone. Calcium from oyster shells is the least effective supplement. Ground limestone, on the other hand, is a better calcium supplement than oyster shells (depending on how fine it's grinded), but it still doesn't compare to the better forms.

The best calcium supplement forms include:

- Pure calcium gluconate
- Calcium citrate
- Calcium lactate

In addition, avoid purchasing calcium supplements that list magnesium in their ingredients. The reason is because the body's Magnesium requirements should be attended to separately from calcium. Thus, the necessary calcium should be taken separately from other minerals. Moreover, you shouldn't buy combination supplements simply for their calcium content.

Don't forget that in order for calcium to respond effectively within the body to maintain balance, the correct type must be taken. Therefore, see your doctor first before you start supplementing your anti candida diet.

The Candida Diet: Altering Your Diet To Improve Your Way Of Life

The yeast Candida albicans is usually found in the digestive tract and the body's immune system will automatically keep the levels under control. However there are some factors which make a difference to the body and the levels can spiral out of control which then leads to many problems.

The problems are caused by the excess yeast in the intestinal tract penetrating through the wall. This causes the unwanted particles to be absorbed into the body and this result in becoming hypersensitive to Candida. Symptoms such as headache, extreme tiredness, and congestion in the sinuses, mood swings and lack of concentration among others are then felt.

There are many different factors which can cause this, some of the being taking medication such as oral steroids, antacids or antibiotics. Another cause is a diet which contains too much sugar and having an allergy to a certain type of food. Once Candida has gotten out of control then it can be hard to regain control and attacks can reoccur frequently or at intervals.

One way of dealing with Candida is by following the Candida diet. While following this diet there are strict guidelines which must be followed when it comes to the types of food that you are able to eat. Sugar is your worst enemy if you are prone to attacks and must be cut out of the diet or at the very least restricted. Sugar is one of the worst foods when it comes to promoting and boosting the growth of Candida so cutting down on the carbohydrates by around 60 grams per day is a good start. There are plenty of foods which are known to be low in carbohydrates and these should be included in the diet. Foods such as meat, shellfish, chicken and vegetables that are not starchy should all be included. Of course any foods which are known to contain yeast should be removed from the diet including cheeses, beer, tomato paste and bread that has been made with yeast.

How long you will need to remain on the Candida diet will all depend on the symptoms you have and how long you had those symptoms. People could have had symptoms and been producing too much yeast for a long time before the problem is diagnosed. It is almost certain that in order to feel any benefits from the diet you have to be on it at least a month and in some cases depending on the severity, longer. Along with altering your diet when going with the Candia diet you should also consider introducing supplements and herbs into your daily diet.

Too much yeast can certainly cause many problems but once the cause has been diagnosed and the Candida diet has been started you are on your way to making important changes towards feeling a whole lot healthier. Once your symptoms have subsided and you are feeling fit and healthy then if you wish you can slowly start to reintroduce the foods you gave up in small quantities.

All You Want to Know about Candida Diet

You will be able to find a number of women as well as men around you who are suffering from the symptoms of Candida infection. The disease is called Candidiasis caused mainly by Candida albicans, a type of yeast and a fungus. Candida thrives harmlessly inside the body, and in normal body their growth is prevented by several helpful bacteria and the immune system.

The helpful bacteria that control the growth of Candida are often killed by the antibiotics. Then our immune system also often become weak and both the situations trigger off the growth of these funguses in an unchecked manner.

The minor manifestations of candidiasis include oral thrush, skin irritations, and vaginal yeast infections in women. In its most unchecked expansion, it may enter the intestines leading to the penetration of the intestinal wall. If the yeasts succeed in crossing the intestine wall, they along with other unwanted parasites will be absorbed into the body.

Once these harmful parasites are absorbed in the body you will start suffering from such symptoms as fatigue, headache, mood swings, poor memory and concentration, cravings for wrong foods. The condition is generally termed as fibromyalgia.

So you can understand how important it is to keep your inside clean of the Candida albicans! There are various ways of get rid of their infection. The objectives of all these treatments are same; to create an environment that is unfavorable for these funguses but favorable for the growth of the helpful bacteria in the colon to bring back the bowel to its normal healthy state.

The dietary changes are the major component of any Candida cleanse program.
The diet that one should follow to keep the system clean of Candida is known as Candida diet and there are varieties of Candida diets coined by different schools of nutritionists.

The important features of Candida diet are: – You will hear about those easy Candida diets that simply eliminate a few foods from your diet. Rest of the foods can be consumed without any restriction. – Then there are more complex versions of Candida diets that strictly restrict the intake of such foods as meat, sugar, flour, hydrogenated fats, or dairy products. – Which type of the Candida diet is suitable for you will be decided by your physician on the basis of the severity of your candidiasis symptoms. – You will also require to stay away from caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, refined, bleached, or chemically treated flour, mushrooms and nuts and so on. – You have to add more fresh and raw vegetables and fruits in your diet and supplement the diet with yeast-free multivitamins and pro biotics. – In addition to that you must undergo a course of anti fungal mediations to kill the Candida.

Understanding Anti Candida Diets, And How Can They Help

If you have a candida infection, then changing your diet to starve the candida and suppress the infection makes good sense. But what do anti candida diets entail?

Firstly, lets consider what a person suffering with candida is faced with.

Candida is yeast, which is thought to exist naturally in everybody's gastrointestinal (GI) tract and when kept in check forms a natural part of the gut flora, along with dozens of other species of organisms.

However, if it is allowed to overgrow then there can be serious complications ranging from stomach cramps, bloating and constipation/ diarrhea to more complex symptoms if the condition is allowed to become systemic.

An overgrowth will happen chiefly due to three reasons:

1. A weak immune system, often due to illness, medication or stress.
2. A less than healthy level of friendly bacteria, which can be caused by certain medications like antibiotics
3. A diet rich in sugar, which is the main food source for candida yeast.

So, an anti candida diet needs to address these issues as much as possible to bring the body back into balance.

If a doctor diagnoses a person with a candida infection, they will normally be prescribed an anti fungal treatment, be instructed to make changes to their diet and potentially make changes to some factors in your lifestyle, which could be causing stress.

Sometimes, additional supplementation is also recommended as a candida infection can impact the amount of nutrients that are absorbed by the body, and so further weakening the immune system.

An anti candida diet is necessarily strict on what cannot be consumed, restricting the following foods:

Foods that contain sugar, including refined sugars. This includes foods like syrups, many sauces and honey, brown and white sugar. There has been debate as to whether fruit should also be excluded from an anti candida diet due to their high fructose content (fruit sugar). As there are many health benefits associated with fresh fruit it is generally suggested that fruit is restricted initially and then reintroduced slowly once the diet has been followed strictly for a while.

Foods that contain yeast are also restricted. This would include the majority of baked goods including most breads, muffins and pastries

Foods that contain mould or fungus are excluded from the diet, which includes mushrooms and cheese.

Also, foods that are fermented like vinegar and pickles are restricted.

It is recommended that processed foods are reduced or eliminated from the diet, as there can be many hidden ingredients in them, and they are normally not as nutritionally rich as fresh foods.

Continue reading to discover more about natural methods to relieve candida and candida diets, and sign up for our free newsletter.

Before starting a candida diet, ensure that you have discussed the matter with your doctor to ensure that it supplies you with all the necessary nutritional content.

Many anti Candida diets also emphasize the use of supplements especially those, which contain probiotics. These probiotics, also known as friendly bacteria, help to suppress the growth of Candida in the body and not only can they be found as supplements but also in natural yogurt.

Anti candida diets serve a number of purposes, to starve the candida yeast, to promote a health gut flora and to help boost the immune system by eating more nutritionally rich foods. However, before embarking on a diet to suppress candida make sure you discuss your approach with your doctor or dietician.

If you are Suffering From Recurring Yeast Infections, an Anti Candida Diet Can be the Solution

Candida is a disease that can have a great impact on your lie, and if it's left untreated you can suffer from various symptoms. Those can be vaginal infections, skin thrush, irritable bowel syndrome, the list is long on symptoms that can make your life difficult.

So, how should an anti candida diet look and what should it contain? First of all, you should be prepared that you have to be on the diet for a month or two, before you are totally free from the intestinal candida. You will normally be symptom free after a week or even faster, though. In the first couple of days it's common to feel so called die off symptoms, which means that your symptoms increase. This is not anything to worry about and it will disappear after two days or so. It simply means that this cleanse is working and that the body is cleaning the yeast infection out. The diet can seem a bit difficult and hard to follow, but there are many foods you actually can eat, you just have to set your mind to change things for some time. And from the energy you get back from it, it's really worth the effort! Some people claim they got their life back because of the candida cure.

Things you can eat on your anti candida diet:

Most meats, such as steaks, lamb and chicken

Vegetables like cauliflower, asparagus, tomatoes and olives.

Pure oils and butter

Sour-rye bread that is made with no yeast


There's many more foods that you can eat, so as you can see, it's quite easy to get by. You should also take some supplements to make the diet work and be effective, such as garlic, a colon cleanse with psyllium seeds, and big amounts of pure vitamin C.

More important are the things that you shouldn't eat. All sugars, all flour except in rye sour bread, all artificial flavourings should be left out during the diet. This means you have to read the labels on your food rigorously. It may sound difficult, but just do some research and plan everything carefully before you get going with the diet. Make meal plans regularly. This will make it much easier. See to it that you are not too busy at first, since it's going to take quite a lot of energy and you might be very tired as well.

If you just are patient and stick to the cure, you will truly notice how much better you will get.

Another thing you will notice, is that as you get further in the cure, your skin will look more healthy. This is because candida often takes a toll on the body and the skin too.

Sign up for a free e-mail mini course on candida cures or just learn more about it at Candida Yeast Infection Site

Creating Candida Diet Recipes

Having the right kind of diet can help to speed recovery from a candida infection in the gastorintestinal (GI) tract. And there is little trouble finding candida diet recipes in books and across the Internet.

However, it is important to not just to follow any recipe that is found on the internet blindly, and to understand how a recipe needs to be constructed, including what should be excluded form the diet and what to include. In this way the diet becomes easier to understand, and it allows for greater understanding so that activities like dinning out can be enjoyed, while still keeping within the boundaries of an anti-candida diet.

It is important to understand that an overgrowth of Candida in a person's digestive tract can be very tricky to diagnose. There are a number of symptoms that are similar to other conditions, and as candida is a normal resident of the GI tract forming part of the flora, it is not a simple diagnosis when evidence of candida is found in the gut.

A candida overgrowth in the GI tract is normally linked to either a weakened immune system, low levels of friendly bacteria (which normally suppress candida growth), or a diet that is high in sugary foods.

Identifying which of these, or other factors, may have caused the candida to overgrow is an important step in combating the condition.

An anti candida diet is an especially designed diet that eliminates foods to starve the candida yeast and help promote a healthy immune system and gut flora.

Therefore, it will restrict foods that contain refined or natural sugars, foods that contain yeast, foods that contain mould or fungi, and foods that have been fermented.

Often cows milk is excluded, and as a general rule try to avoid as much processed foods as possible, as they often contain many hidden ingredients, including sugars and yeast that are used in the manufacturing process.

Whenever possible it is advised that fresh organic foods are eaten, this will reduce the levels of pesticides and preservatives that are used in and on the foods, meaning that less toxins are being consumed, and so helping the natural balance in the gut re-establish itself.

Some examples of what can be included in an anti candida diet include:

1. Fish, chicken and other forms of poultry as well as eggs and seafood (crabs, mussels, cockles etc.), lamb and veal. All of which provide you with the additional protein that your body needs.
2. Vegetables of all varieties can be included in your diet except for corn, carrots and potatoes unfortunately corn and carrots are high in sugar whilst potatoes contain carbohydrates both of which feed candida. Include such vegetables, which have anti-fungal properties such as raw garlic and onions. Also increase your intake of vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, turnips and kale.

Continue reading to discover natural ways of relieving candida overgrowth and more about candida recipes by signing up for our free newsletter.

Many traditional Indian, Spanish, Italian as well as Oriental and Middle Eastern recipes are acceptable. Indian recipes can be especially beneficial as many of them contain natural yogurt which is especially beneficial to the digestive system as it helps to repopulate the friendly bacteria found in the digestive system and which help to keep candida at bay.

Although there are many candida diet recipes available on the Internet, ensure that you are aware of what can and what can't be included in a recipe for your own specific condition. Each person is different, and some recipes do not follow the strict approach necessary in the early stages of relieving a candida overgrowth.

Candida diet recipes for lunch

Your body needs a healthy lunch. While breakfast may get all of the attention for being the most important meal of the day, lunch is needed to refuel your body and keep things functioning at an optimal level.

Not only is stopping to eat lunch a good way to de-stress and take a break from your day, but it also provides nutrition for your body to ward off afternoon drowsiness and prepares your brain to tackle the next project on your to-do list.

Taking a few minutes out of your day to eat lunch is more than worth it when you consider your body and brain will work much more efficiently when it has the fuel it requires. However, keep in mind your body doesn't need just any old fuel. Living with candida means that it is especially important for you to take care of your body and feed it, while being careful not to feed the candida.

This means, you will want to avoid sugar and white flour and focus on whole foods that have higher vitamin content and are going to give you the energy-boost you need to finish out your day.

Instead of loading up on junk from the vending machine or whatever the office decided to order-in, plan your meals in advance in order to make sure you always have a candida-friendly alternative.

What Can I Eat?

Check out some of the meal ideas below for candida lunch-on-the-go to help you get started on your grocery list. These simple candida diet lunches will show you that putting together the right kind of lunch is not difficult and the results are rather appealing!

Tuna Salad on Yeast and Sugar-Free Bread

Make a tuna salad out of canned tuna in olive oil, hard-boiled eggs, and a splash of red wine vinegar. Spread the tuna mixture on a slice or two of the bread. Add lettuce or other vegetables to complete the sandwich if desired.

Turkey and Cheese Roll-Ups

Roll turkey and swiss or cheddar cheese and secure with toothpicks. Serve with vegetable crudites, cup of chicken broth, and an apple. Dip the roll-ups in mustard if desired.

Bacon and Eggs

Yep, that's right—for LUNCH! Take hard-boiled eggs, wrap in bacon, and secure with a toothpick. Serve with a piece of yeast-free, sugar-free toast and an orange.

Simple Candida Diet - Ten Foods To Avoid

One of the main risk factors for Candida overgrowth is the consumption of a poor diet. Dietary changes are therefore a fundamental part of any natural candida cure. This article examines the simple Candida diet by listing ten foods to avoid.

#1 - Sugar.

Avoid high sugar foods at all costs as it is food for the yeast. This includes artificial sweeteners, fructose, glucose, sucrose, corn syrup, maple syrup and honey. Say no to chocolate, candy, soda and cookies.

#2 - Mushrooms.

Mushrooms are mold and they help to tip the balance of healthy vs harmful bacteria in the wrong direction. Stay away.

#3 - Caffeinated drinks.

If it's got caffeine in it, then you need to detox from it until the Candida has gone. Give your liver a rest and help your immune system get back on top.

#4 - Fruit.

Most fruits are high in fructose, which is more Candida food. Steer clear of all fruits if you can. Even dried fruits or fruit juice.

#5 - Cheese.

Aged, moldy or processed cheese gets the boot. These often have high concentrations of yeast in them. Many people are sensitive to dairy food, so perhaps try avoid all dairy produce if you can.

#6 - Alcohol.

Yeast and sugar are Candida's favorite things. Beer has both, so leave it out. Avoid other alcoholic drinks as well as they are packed with sugar.

#7 - Bread and pastries.

Many baked items that rise include yeast. This includes bread, pastries, bagels, muffins and rolls.

#8 - Peanuts.

Many peanuts have traces of mold on them and are therefore best avoided. Yes, that includes peanut butter as well, before you ask!

#9 - Additives and preservatives.

Tinned and processed food will be laden with them. Give your body a break and abstain.

#10 - Condiments.

Condiments are often high in sugar and/or vinegar. Ketchup, chilli sauce, BBQ sauce, mayonnaise, pickles, mustard and relishes all need to be avoided.

Candida diet recipes for breakfast

Breakfast is known for being the most important meal of the day, yet studies show that many people skip it due to lack of time while others reach for sugar-laden breakfast items that could more easily pass as desserts.

For people who are living with problems resulting from a candida overgrowth, breakfast can play an especially important role in starting the day right by preparing the body to cleanse itself of bacteria and reducing annoying candida symptoms. Additionally, it can be easier to stay on plan the rest of the day when you begin it with a nutritionally sound and candida-friendly breakfast.

While it is difficult to pinpoint exactly when high-sugar foods like donuts and sugar puffs became staples of many people's breakfast menus, it is easy to see the results, such as higher sugar consumption throughout the day, lower energy levels and larger waistlines. This type of eating is unhealthy for all people, and it can be very problematic for people living with candida.

No Sugary Cereal? What CAN You Eat?

Sugary cereal may be out, but there are many great foods you can incorporate to make healthy and satisfying meals—the kind of meal that fuels your body and sticks with you for hours.

Below you will find few sample breakfast meal ideas to help you learn what to eat to jumpstart your Candida diet each morning.

For the toast-fan try:

Sprouted Grain Bread with Nut Butter

Toast one or two slices of sprouted grain bread, containing no yeast or sugar (Ezekiel 4:9 Bread is a great option.) Spread a generous layer of sugar-free, all natural nut butter like almond, cashew or peanut butter.

For the hot cereal fan try:

Breakfast Rice Pudding

Combine cooked brown rice and milk and heat until warm on stove-top or in microwave. Top with cinnamon to taste.

For the eggs fan try:

Vegetable Omelets

Chop up your favorite veggies and saute them in olive oil. Then add beaten eggs and cook until firm. Top with a little cheese if desired, but avoid any moldy cheese, like blue cheese or feta.

Even if your idea of breakfast is a donut from the neighborhood coffee shop, by trying different recipes and foods you are likely to find some candida-friendly combinations that will make you feel a lot better than any pastry can. You can retrain your taste buds to enjoy natural, whole foods, and your body will thank you for it.

Candida diet recipes for dinner

Mealtime is one of the most important times of the day. While you often have to rush through breakfast and lunch in order to tend to work duties, dinner is a meal that can usher in relaxation and enjoyment after a busy day.

For people living with candida-related health problems, dinner is way to provide your body with the nutrition it needs to make it through the night. Have you ever wished you could work in your sleep? Well, with the right candida dinners, you can actually work toward fighting off candida overgrowth, even while you are sleeping.

As with all candida-friendly meals, it is important to remember which foods work against your body and actually feed the candida. You'll want to avoid foods with sugar and white flour and basically most processed foods you would find in a box at the grocery store. Also, just say no to moldy foods that only contribute to the yeast problem, such as moldy cheeses.

What Can I Eat?

There are many foods you can enjoy while sticking to a candida-fighting menu. Build meals with lean meats, whole grains, vegetables, and low-sugar fruits. These allowed foods make creating a candida dinner menu quite simple, not to mention delicious.

Check out some of the meal ideas below to get your meal plan started. By planning your meals and making sure your kitchen is stocked with the necessary ingredients, you will be prepared to have a candida-friendly dinner each day of the week.

Vegetable Soup

Combine all of your favorite vegetables in a large pot with vegetable broth and season with salt, pepper, and any herbs you enjoy. Simmer the soup to meld the flavors, and enjoy with some warm, crusty whole grain bread and a side of fruit salad for dessert. Kiwis, apples, and orange segments make a delicious, low-sugar salad.

Grilled Fish and Veggies

Select your favorite fish, and season with salt and pepper, herbs and lemon. Grill the fish along with sliced vegetables, such as squash or asparagus. The vegetables can be placed in a grill basket or wrapped in foil and cooked over the fire. Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the fish and vegetables when finished grilling.

Chicken Stir-Fry

Cook bite-size chicken pieces and vegetables in a wok or large fry pan with olive oil until fully cooked. Season with low-sodium soy sauce and serve with brown rice.

Learn more about foods you can enjoy on a candida diet buy visiting the Candida Foods to Eat page.

Candida Diet and Weight Loss - Using the Yeast Infection/Candida Diet to Lose Weight

This article is about how the candida diet and weight loss is a quite common due to the fact that virtually everyone who cleanses Candida will also as a result lose weight. The amount of weight that you can lose if you cleanse Candida is typically anywhere in the region of 10-30% of your body weight! Of course this is all based on individual body weight and someone who weighs 110 pounds would not be expected to drop 30% of their body weight! If you want a rapid solution to cleansing Candida you can go to the bottom of the article now, otherwise read ahead on the best ways to lose weight while cleansing Candida.

#1 - Consume at least 40 Grams of Fiber per day.

If you're hoping to lose weight if you cleanse Candida then this is an absolute essential. Your fiber intake, dictates how well your bowels are cleared and how much waste matter is passed out as a result. The more fiber you can intake per day the better. As well try to diversify the types of fiber you take in. Don't rely on whole grains alone, you should be eating 4-6 servings of vegetables per day as well as drinking fiber shakes daily. These fiber shakes should be made up of Hemp, Flax, Chia and Psyllium.

#2 - Keep a regular schedule of when you take your probiotics and anti-fungals.

This helps to ensure not only proper bowel movements per day but also that the elimination of Candida yeast is consistent and continual. You will achieve faster results if you are consistent. As well by supplementing anti-fungals and probiotics regularly you better support a consistent bowel movement routine. This is especially important as you will also become adapted to going to the washroom 3-4 times per day.

#3 - Eat Mainly Vegetables and Raw when possible.

This is the easiest way to lose weight for anyone, regardless of whether they are cleansing Candida or not. If you continually eat vegetables as your main food group you will rapidly burn body fat and also cleanse your bowels. Not to mention the increased intake of vitamins and minerals that will have you looking better in more ways than one.

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Candida diet recipes for your snacks

Snacking is a huge part of American culture. While snacking can be a positive thing, too many people use it as a way to ingest large amounts of sugar and processed carbs. Not only does this type of snacking deplete energy levels (after an initial and brief sugar high), it can wreak havoc on a candida condition, worsening symptoms significantly.

For people following a candida diet, the key to snacking is to create delicious and healthy snacks using candida-friendly ingredients. See the Foods to Avoid page to learn more about what types of foods can contribute to candida overgrowth. Also, learn all about foods to enjoy on a candida diet, so you will immediately know what is right for your body when hunger strikes.

When you are faced with temptation, having the right foods on hand makes the craving much more manageable. Keeping plenty of tasty candida-friendly snack options in stock—whether it be in your pantry or office break room—means you will be less likely to cave to temptation and instead will be more likely to do what is best for your body's health.

Are Non-Sugary Snacks Worth It? What CAN You Eat?

It's no surprise that cookies and mini-donuts from the vending machine are illegal, but snack time without such processed treats does not have to be a drag. Experiment with the different foods available to you on a candida diet and come up with a few combinations to try for next week's snackage.

To get you started, here are a few candida snack ideas:

Ham and Pickle Roll-ups


Slices of Deli Ham (avoid honey or sugared hams)

Dill Pickle Spears

Mustard, go for plain yellow or try a spicy or flavored mustard (avoid honey mustard)

Roll each pickle spear in a slice of ham and secure with a toothpick. Serve with the mustard as a dipping sauce.

Candida-Friendly Pudding Cups


Cream Cheese

Sugar-Free Whipped Cream or Cool Whip

Sugar-Free Flavored Syrup (chocolate, vanilla, caramel, etc.)

Combine equal parts cream cheese and whipped cream in a blender or with a hand mixer. Add the sugar free syrup and store in individual serving cups in the fridge. Top with cinnamon and/or nuts if desired.

Nut Butter Celery Snack


Celery Spears

Natural, sugar-free peanut butter, almond butter or other nut butter

Fill each spear with nut butter and enjoy! This one is as easy as it gets and great for people on the go.

Whether you have always dieted and felt like snacks were taboo or you think snacks must leave you with a sugar-high, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find there are a number of candida snack combinations that will leave you energized, satisfied, and fighting candida overgrowth.

Your Candida Diet

As discussed in many other sections, the food that you eat can play a crucial role in preventing and treating both acute and chronic yeast infections. A big part of the holistic approach to ridding your body of candida surrounds the foods and supplements that you consume into your body.

The first step in successfully creating a candida diet for yourself includes identifying both the good and bad foods that prevent and cause yeast infections, respectively. By simply discovering the affects that food can have on your entire body's yeast build-up will not only rid the body of candida symptoms, but provide you with more physical and mental well-being as a whole.

Foods to eat on a Candida diet:

Nutrition is one of the best, most effective ways to heal candida-related health conditions. You are what you eat is very true in the case of candida. Diets high in sugar and white flour contribute to the yeast problem. Such foods literally feed the yeast, making it grow even more out of control.

By eliminating these foods and incorporating the right foods into your diet, you can be well on your way to kicking candida to the curb.

Here are the foods that should be the foundation of your candida diet:

•  Protein source—from poultry to fish to lean meats, protein does not only keep hunger at bay, but it also promotes a healthy body. When possible, stick to organic and lean meats to maximize the health benefits.

•  Vegetables—choose veggies on the low end of the glycemic index, which means lowest sugar content, such as green, leafy vegetables, and other non-root vegetables, including peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumbers, onions, and celery. It's best to avoid carb-laden veggies like potatoes and corn. These items turn to sugar in your system.

•  Fruit—again, you want to go for the low-sugar fruits. Apples, oranges and other citrus fruits, and berries are great choices. Fruit juice is another high sugar item and one to avoid.

In addition to the mentioned food items, there are other supplements and foods that can be included with your meals to provide a candida-destroying boost, such as:

•  Garlic

•  Oregano Oil

•  Lemon Juice

•  Flaxseed

•  Fish Oils

•  Apple Cider Vinegar

•  Grapefruit Seed Oil

As with any new diet, it is important to be prepared in advance in order to have the right foods on hand. When you keep your fridge stocked with anti-candida foods, it will become much easier to stick with the plan.

The perfect beverage to accompany your candida diet is fresh, purified water. Water will help to flush out the toxins, keep your body hydrated and functioning at the optimum level. While your immune system is low with a candida condition, drinking plenty of water can help to heal and improve the system.

Candida diet recipes for dessert

Eliminating candida overgrowth from one's body requires eliminating processed foods, sugar and white flour from your diet, but it is still possible to enjoy something sweet to end a meal or to enjoy with a cup of coffee or tea.

Restricting one's diet in such a way that there is no allowance for desserts may mean that it is easier to fall off the wagon and go back to old ways of eating, which can be detrimental to a candida condition. Instead of only depending on your will power to overcome sweet cravings, choose candida-friendly dessert recipes that are big on taste and low on candida symptom triggers.

Once you have removed the sugar-laden foods from your diet, you may find that your taste buds change and the slightly sweet desserts that wouldn't have cut it for you in the past will be more than satisfying as you live out your new healthy candida diet lifestyle.

Sugar's Out, So What's In?

While you may not be able to snack on candy bars and traditional cakes, this is actually a good thing, because this type of eating not only promotes candida overgrowth but it also causes weight gain, blood sugar spikes, and mood swings and can even lead to greater health problems such as high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease.

Instead of these enemies of a healthy lifestyle, you can satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruits, which will taste even sweeter when the junk is out of your diet, as well as creamy dairy products and foods sweetened with Stevia.

Unlike other artificial sweeteners that have been known to cause health problems, Stevia is a plant-derived extract that is 300 times more sweet than sugar, so it only takes a little to achieve the sweetness you desire.

Below you will find a few candida dessert ideas designed to keep your body on track as you fight candida overgrowth:

For the cheesecake lover, try:

Cheesecake Pudding

Combine softened cream cheese with a little bit of whipped heavy whipping cream. Add Stevia and a splash of vanilla, or sugar-free flavored syrups to taste. DaVinci offers a line of excellent sugar-free syrups in a variety of flavors. Chill the pudding until ready to serve.

For the peanut butter lover, try:

Peanut Butter Smoothie

Blend together a couple of tablespoons of sugar-free natural peanut butter, 1 cup of whole milk sugar-free, plain yogurt, a few tablespoons of heavy whipping cream, a few ice cubes and Stevia or sugar-free flavored syrup. If you enjoy the peanut butter chocolate combination, you can blend in a couple of teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa powder. Serve immediately or freeze until slightly slushy to enjoy an ice cream-like treat.

For the fruit lover, try:

Strawberries and Cream

Pour heavy whipping cream over frozen or fresh strawberries and sprinkle with Stevia if you prefer your fruit a little sweeter.

The combinations and possible creations are endless, so spend some time in the kitchen with candida-friendly ingredients to concoct delicious desserts you can enjoy while sticking to your candida diet. You may even have to fight off non-candida diet friends and family from eating your new desserts.

Candida diet, foods to avoid

The Candida Diet: Why it's Important, Foods to Avoid and Recipes for Success

A candida imbalance can be uncomfortable and lead to yeast infections. It may be possible to regulate the candida in your body, avoid infections and feel better with a simple candida diet. There are certain foods to avoid on a candida diet that may improve your health. While the diet may seem difficult to follow at first, there are many candida diet recipes that can help you eat well and be healthy.

The basics of a Candida Diet

Before you try medications to regulate candida, you might try to alleviate your symptoms with simple changes to your diet. On a candida diet you will restrict your sugar, carbohydrate and fermented foods made with yeast. Some foods need to be avoided entirely and others need to be limited. You should follow the diet strictly for at least a few weeks and possibly a few months to see results. After your symptoms subside, you can slowly reintroduce some of the foods that you were avoiding into your diet.

In addition to changes in your food intake, the diet uses herbs and supplements to decrease the amount of yeast in your body. Since some candida is necessary for the proper functioning of your body, it is important to start with small amounts of herbs or supplements so that you don't kill off beneficial yeast. Many different supplements may be useful including: black walnut, cloves, garlic, goldenseal, grapefruit seed extract and whey protein.

What foods to avoid on a Candida Diet

If you are interested in trying this type of diet, you should know that there are certain foods to avoid on a candida diet. Specifically, you will need to regulate your intake of two types of food. The first is sugar and carbohydrates. For the first few weeks your carbohydrate intake will be reduced. The actual number of grams that you will be allowed will depend on your personal circumstances such as age, sex, and activity level. After the first few weeks you will be able to gradually increase the amount of carbohydrates you eat each day. The other foods that will be restricted are those containing yeast. Breads made with yeast, cheese, and beer are common examples of fermented foods containing yeast that you will need to avoid.

What Do Anti Candida Diets Entail?

Unfortunately, as any Candida sufferer will tell you, there are a number of foods that should be eliminated from anti candida diets in order to help relieve the effects of a Candida overgrowth.

So, lets take a short journey and look at what can be done to follow a candida diet and readdress the imbalance that has been caused by an overgrowth of Candida, and also to enjoy the diet experience.

It is thought that candida (a form of yeast fungus) exists in everyone, mostly living quite happily in the warm and moist parts of the body. These include the Gastrointestinal (GI) tract, vagina, oral cavity and the folds in the skin. Unfortunately, if provided with the right kind of environment it can soon start to cause problems.

The number of diagnosed cases of candida infection grows year on year, and although it has taken some in the medical community to admit there is a problem, many are coming around to the fact this is a growing concern that can lead to very serious health problem.

Although anti-fungal treatments will help in treating the problem, and kill the candida infection, a change in a person's diet will help resolve the underlying issues that may have caused the candida infection to take hold in the first place.

Make sure that you speak with your doctor and receive a proper diagnosis before partaking in any treatment for candida. It is important to get a proper diagnosis so that you can be sure that the treatment you receive is appropriate.

A candida diet really has a couple of purposes, to starve the candida and to help boost the bodies defenses, including increasing the number of probiotics in the GI tract and reviving the body's immune system.

The necessary steps to take to starve the candida are not difficult to understand, but the implementation of them can be tricky. This is especially true as the candida creates cravings for certain food, namely sugary foods. Also, one of the reasons that candida has managed to gain a foothold is that a persons diet may be less than optimum, possibly consisting of a diet rich in sugars and processed foods, and these habits are the ones that need to be broken.

A candida diet is essentially a diet that restricts the following foods:

Primarily sugar, including white, brown, fructose (fruit sugar), lactose (sugar found in milk), maltose and dextrose. Also, foods that contain sugars should be eliminated from the diet.

Yeast and refined grain products including bread, buns, white flour products, marmite, gravy mix, cakes, biscuit, pasta, and most cereals

Products that have been through a fermentation process like pickles, soy sauce, alcohol and vinegar

Cows milk, cheese and cream, although cottage cheese and yogurt are acceptable

Products that contain fungus like mushrooms and cheese

Smoked and cured foods like cured meats, bacon, gammon and smoked fish

Avoid processed foods, and if this is not possible, then read the label carefully and be on the look out for any of the above ingredients.

Although this list may look long at first glance, there are still a huge list of foods that are available to include in your diet, including:

The majority of vegetables
All fresh meats
Brown rice and wheat
Most pulses, lentils, peas and beans
Cold pressed oils
Herbs and spices

Continue reading to discover natural methods to combat candida naturally by signing up for our free newsletter below. Learn about foods that should and should not be included in a candida diet.

Anti candida diets can be an effective way of improving the chance of suppressing a candida overgrowth, and also the tasty recipes that are available can form as a preventative barrier to reduce the risk of reoccurrence.

The Myths About the Candida Diet

While you may have heard that a Candida diet can help prevent and treat an overgrowth of Candida, it’s important that you also know that there are many myths about Candida diet out there. If you are serious about treating your Candida, you need to know the real truth about Candida diet.

Some foods that you may have thought are bad, really are not and some things that you may have been told to avoid at all costs, are actually okay to eat. Here are some common myths about Candida debunked, along with the truth on what you should and should not eat to prevent and treat Candida overgrowth.

You can’t eat condiments:

This is a common myth related to the Candida diet. While ketchup is a definite no-no, there are plenty of other condiments that are ok. For example, mustard, fish sauce, horse radish, olive oil and ginger are good. Tobasco sauce is also helpful in killing Candida. Each of these condiments can help add flavor to your food and kill Candida overgrowth.

Cultured Foods are Bad

This is another myth. Many people are under the misconception that cultured foods are bad if you have Candida overgrowth but the truth is that cultured foods can help you with this problem. Cultured foods contain probiotics which help restore your healthy intestinal flora and will help kill the overgrowth of Candida. Some cultured foods that are actually helpful to Candida overgrowth include homemade yogurt, sauerkraut and kefir.

Carbs Feed the Yeast

While it’s true that too many carbohydrates can feed the yeast and make your problem worse, this doesn’t mean that you should completely avoid carbs. Some carbohydrates are essential to healthy life and there are some that do not feed the yeast such as grain and rice. You should try to avoid anything with gluten in it (breads) and eat only complex carbs.

Avoid Vinegar

Another popular myth that is not right is that you should avoid vinegar. Vinegar has long been used by many people to cure yeast infection as well as other ailments. It’s even been known to help kill mold and mildew in the home. So vinegar can actually help kill Candida overgrowth.

Avoid Foods with Yeast

Many people spread the myth that you should avoid any food with yeast but there are actually some cases where this can be helpful. You can eat some foods with yeast if you cook and prepare with substances that kill yeast (such as ginger). You should also be sure to avoid constipation so yeast does not sit and ferment inside the body.

Candida Diet Works For Vegetarians

While over-the-counter medications and other home remedy-type treatments can be effective in treating the symptoms of candida, in order to treat the source and kill off candida overgrowth it is important to focus on nutrition. All of the remedies in the world can help very little unless you limit yeast-feeding sugar and flour and focus on whole foods.

Everyone knows the junk-food vegetarian. The one who chooses not to eat meat for health reasons or due to personal beliefs, yet continues to fill up on chips, cookies, and other processed foods. Typically, these types of vegetarians are in dire need of quality nutrients-particularly protein-to keep their bodies functioning well.

For vegetarians and vegans, it can be challenging to meet the protein needs the candida diet recommends. Protein keeps the blood sugar regulated, which helps prevent sugar spikes and an increase in yeast production. Although the obvious meat sources for protein are out, there are plenty of non-meat options to enjoy. Nut butters, fish, beans, soy and dairy products are all good protein sources that add excellent variety and flavor to your diet.

As you strive to kill the yeast overgrowth with each and every meal, you want to make low-glycemic vegetables an accompaniment to the protein in your meals. Some good selections in vegetables include: leafy green vegetables, cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli and peppers. Avoid starchy veggies like potatoes and corn, which convert to sugar in your system when you eat them.

While it may take some extra effort and creativity for a vegetarian to stick to the candida diet, it is absolutely possible. As always, keeping your focus on the great things you can eat, instead of on the foods you need to avoid, will help to create a much more pleasant dieting experience.

Planning meals in advance and keeping the kitchen stocked with vegetarian, candida-friendly fare are additional great ways to stay on track and set yourself up for success. The more creative you get with your menu, the less likely you will fall into boredom in your candida diet. Strive to try at least one new recipe a week.

A quick search online will provide many great low-sugar, no-flour recipes. But let's get started here with a few candida recipes for the vegetarian:

Vegetable Quinoa

1 cup Quinoa
¼ cup Sugar-Free Marinara Sauce
2 Garlic Cloves, Minced
½ Onion, Diced
2 Carrots, Diced
1 Green or Yellow Pepper, Diced
½ Head of Cabbage, Red or White, Chopped
2 Yellow Squash, Sliced
2 Tbs. Olive Oil
Pepper to Taste

Add quinoa to a large pot on medium heat. Toast the quinoa in the dry pan until you hear a popping sound. Stir it well to make sure it toasts evenly and to avoid burning. When golden, add 3 cups of water and bring to a simmer for 15 minutes. In a separate pan, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and onion and then the carrot and red cabbage. Sautee for 5 minutes and then add the pepper and squash. After the quinoa has simmered for 15 minutes, add the marinara sauce. When the quinoa is fully cooked with no liquid remaining, add vegetables and pepper and heat until warmed throughout.

Balsamic Marinated Grilled Salmon with Crispy Asparagus

Salmon Filets or Steaks
Balsamic Vinegar
Fresh or Dried Dill
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Bunch of Asparagus
Shredded Parmesan Cheese

Prepare the grill with oil and heat. Season salmon by sprinkling generously with salt and vinegar. Chop dill and combine with olive oil to make a paste and then cover the salmon with the mixture, allowing it to sit and marinate for at least 30 minutes. Grill the salmon approximately 4 minutes on each side, or until the fish turns opaque. Meanwhile, break off the tough ends of the asparagus and place on a broiler rack or pan. Sprinkle with Parmesan and drizzle with olive oil. Broil until the cheese begins to brown and asparagus is slightly crispy.

Nut Butter Sandwich

1-2 Slices of sprouted grain, no yeast/sugar bread-such as Ezekiel 4:9 Bread, toasted
Sugar free, natural nut butter-such as almond, cashew, macadamia or peanut butter
Serve with some sliced veggies, an apple, and even a cheese stick and you have a well-balanced meal.

The Candida Diet

If you have a problem with excess Candida that makes you sick or have unwanted side effects, you need to understand that your diet plays a big role in this. When you learn to avoid foods that aggravate your condition and eat the foods that help you, your body will adjust its levels of Candida naturally and prevent an overproduction of Candida which causes complications.

Many practitioners and natural or alternative practitioners are teaching their patients to use their diet to help address the problem of Candida overgrowth. To achieve this, you need to know more about what foods to eat and which foods to avoid. In general, your Candida diet should try to avoid sugar as much as possible.

Sugar promotes the growth of the yeast so if you have an overgrowth, you may want to start out by limiting your sugar. You can do this by cutting back or quitting sodas and teas, limiting your carbohydrate intake and limiting known foods with sugar.

You should also limit foods that have any type of yeast in them as this can contribute to the Candida overgrowth. Fermented foods like beer and bread made with yeast are a bad choice. You should also avoid cheese, tomato paste and mushrooms. It is believed that many people with Candida overgrowth actually suffer from a type of yeast allergy or intolerance and it should be treated similar to the way other food allergies and sensitivities are treated.

Some foods that you should avoid are:










High fat foods

Some foods that are good to eat when on a diet for Candida and yeast are:

Onions and garlic

Fresh vegetables

Approved breads

Rice cakes

Corn tortillas


Fresh fish


Beans and lentils

Cottage cheese and yogurt

These are just some guidelines to start with. You should talk with your doctor if you are on a Candida and yeast diet so that you can determine a plan together to keep you healthy. For many people, it can take a couple of weeks or more to notice results of the change in diet. This is because traces of the foods you were eating before will still remain in your system.

This is why many will suggest a total elimination diet for the first 4-6 weeks of your new Candida diet. After this time, some foods are okay in moderation. Talk with your doctor about your specific dietary needs.

A Strict Candida Diet to Cure Candida - Will it Work For Me?

A strict Candida diet is an essential part of your Candida remedy. By not keeping to a strict Candida diet, you may hamper your recovery from Candida. You'll see in a minute why your diet is such a key factor in any treatment for Candida. But upfront you need to know that a strict Candida diet can only be part of the solution. There are many other underlying issues that you need to address for a fast, permanent cure for your Candida.

Your Candida infection is a yeast infection caused by a yeast (fungus) called "Candida albicans". This fungus resides in our bodies in warm, moist places and normally causes no problems at all. It's kept at manageable levels by the "good guys" - the beneficial bacteria that we all have in our bodies. Sometimes though the Candida albicans wins the battle and overgrows out of control thus causing the infection we all know as Candida, yeast infection, or thrush.

And here's the interesting bit; this "overgrow" can be caused by any number of things, such as (but not limited to); lowered immune system, underlying health conditions, stress, bad diet, antibiotics, steroids, oral contraceptives, diabetes, hormonal changes, some medicines, recreational drugs, body acidity, etc. These are just some of the key triggers.

So diet -- or rather a bad diet -- is one of the key factors, which is why more and more Candida sufferers are waking up to the importance of a strict Candida diet to help them in their recovery.

Foods you can eat as part of your strict Candida diet are; small amounts of organic red meat & chicken, oily fish, most fresh vegetables, oats, whole grain bread, goat's & sheep and milk dairy products (organic), beans & pulses (sprouted), palm oil, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, lemons, limes, apples, grapefruit, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, garlic, fresh herbs, peppers, herbal tea infusions, water, mineral water, etc.

And foods to stay away from in your diet are; milk, buttermilk, cream, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, vinegar, pickled food, legumes, sugar, artificial sweeteners, fruit, honey, syrups, bread, cereals, pasta, pizzas, peas, beans, cheeses, peanuts, other nuts, alcohol, coffee, etc.

But -- and there's always a but -- a diet on its own, no matter how strict, isn't enough to get rid of the symptoms of Candida and ensure that they don't come back, as so often happens with mainstream drug-based treatments that attack the symptoms rather than the root cause(s). You need to clear the infection and ensure it never comes back.

A look at the list of "triggers" for Candida above, shows that there are many other issues that need your attention if you are to successfully cure your Candida. What we are finding nowadays is that tons of people all around the world are now taking a more holistic, more inclusive approach to their cure. And very successfully.

A strict Candida diet is just a part of the requirement, a very important part, but a part nonetheless. So, apart from your strict diet, you need to look at some lifestyle changes perhaps; natural home remedies like tee tree oil, garlic, white vinegar, yogurt, etc.; bathing practices; how you use douches, sprays etc.; even sexual behaviour, and much more.

You can do all the work yourself, or, you can get all this important information in one place. To get the facts on how to cure your Candida in hours using a completely natural, holistic approach go to You could be starting on your cure in minutes.