If you are Suffering From Recurring Yeast Infections, an Anti Candida Diet Can be the Solution

Candida is a disease that can have a great impact on your lie, and if it's left untreated you can suffer from various symptoms. Those can be vaginal infections, skin thrush, irritable bowel syndrome, the list is long on symptoms that can make your life difficult.

So, how should an anti candida diet look and what should it contain? First of all, you should be prepared that you have to be on the diet for a month or two, before you are totally free from the intestinal candida. You will normally be symptom free after a week or even faster, though. In the first couple of days it's common to feel so called die off symptoms, which means that your symptoms increase. This is not anything to worry about and it will disappear after two days or so. It simply means that this cleanse is working and that the body is cleaning the yeast infection out. The diet can seem a bit difficult and hard to follow, but there are many foods you actually can eat, you just have to set your mind to change things for some time. And from the energy you get back from it, it's really worth the effort! Some people claim they got their life back because of the candida cure.

Things you can eat on your anti candida diet:

Most meats, such as steaks, lamb and chicken

Vegetables like cauliflower, asparagus, tomatoes and olives.

Pure oils and butter

Sour-rye bread that is made with no yeast


There's many more foods that you can eat, so as you can see, it's quite easy to get by. You should also take some supplements to make the diet work and be effective, such as garlic, a colon cleanse with psyllium seeds, and big amounts of pure vitamin C.

More important are the things that you shouldn't eat. All sugars, all flour except in rye sour bread, all artificial flavourings should be left out during the diet. This means you have to read the labels on your food rigorously. It may sound difficult, but just do some research and plan everything carefully before you get going with the diet. Make meal plans regularly. This will make it much easier. See to it that you are not too busy at first, since it's going to take quite a lot of energy and you might be very tired as well.

If you just are patient and stick to the cure, you will truly notice how much better you will get.

Another thing you will notice, is that as you get further in the cure, your skin will look more healthy. This is because candida often takes a toll on the body and the skin too.

Sign up for a free e-mail mini course on candida cures or just learn more about it at Candida Yeast Infection Site