The yeast Candida albicans is usually found in the digestive tract and the body's immune system will automatically keep the levels under control. However there are some factors which make a difference to the body and the levels can spiral out of control which then leads to many problems.
The problems are caused by the excess yeast in the intestinal tract penetrating through the wall. This causes the unwanted particles to be absorbed into the body and this result in becoming hypersensitive to Candida. Symptoms such as headache, extreme tiredness, and congestion in the sinuses, mood swings and lack of concentration among others are then felt.
There are many different factors which can cause this, some of the being taking medication such as oral steroids, antacids or antibiotics. Another cause is a diet which contains too much sugar and having an allergy to a certain type of food. Once Candida has gotten out of control then it can be hard to regain control and attacks can reoccur frequently or at intervals.
One way of dealing with Candida is by following the Candida diet. While following this diet there are strict guidelines which must be followed when it comes to the types of food that you are able to eat. Sugar is your worst enemy if you are prone to attacks and must be cut out of the diet or at the very least restricted. Sugar is one of the worst foods when it comes to promoting and boosting the growth of Candida so cutting down on the carbohydrates by around 60 grams per day is a good start. There are plenty of foods which are known to be low in carbohydrates and these should be included in the diet. Foods such as meat, shellfish, chicken and vegetables that are not starchy should all be included. Of course any foods which are known to contain yeast should be removed from the diet including cheeses, beer, tomato paste and bread that has been made with yeast.
How long you will need to remain on the Candida diet will all depend on the symptoms you have and how long you had those symptoms. People could have had symptoms and been producing too much yeast for a long time before the problem is diagnosed. It is almost certain that in order to feel any benefits from the diet you have to be on it at least a month and in some cases depending on the severity, longer. Along with altering your diet when going with the Candia diet you should also consider introducing supplements and herbs into your daily diet.
Too much yeast can certainly cause many problems but once the cause has been diagnosed and the Candida diet has been started you are on your way to making important changes towards feeling a whole lot healthier. Once your symptoms have subsided and you are feeling fit and healthy then if you wish you can slowly start to reintroduce the foods you gave up in small quantities.