In order to eliminate your Candida issue, you need to change your diet - whether or not you use medications. Why? Because medication only treats your symptoms. Once you finish your medication, the Candida issue will arise again. Medication does not treat the underlying cause.
A lot of advice given about Candida is to starve it of sugar - and thus cut out Fruit or reduce fruit considerably in the diet. This, however, is bad advice. Yes, if you eat lots of fruit this will exacerbate the Candida, but the sugar in the fruit is not the cause and not the reason that the Candida is made worse.
Sugar is very good for you in fruits. Sugar will pass quickly from your blood into your cells to feed them. It is when we have a diet of excess fat that the fruit in sugar exacerbates the Candida issue.
You see, fat is very hard for our bodies to digest and can take 12-24 hours to do so. As a result, the fat stays in our blood, so when you eat some fruit, the sugar from this cannot pass through the blood into the cells because the fat stops it. The sugar sits in your blood.
Candida feeds on this blood - it does so to bring the dangerous levels of sugar in your blood down, but by doing so the Candida population overgrows (Candida is a form of yeast that exists naturally in everyone. It is normally harmless and is simply present in the body for times like this!). As the American diet is very high in fat, the Candida continues to feed on the sugar and causes all sorts of problems in the person - infections, tiredness etc.
The only way to stop this cycle is to reduce the fat in our diets to around 10% of our caloric intake. This is the only way that we can eliminate our Candida outbreaks/problems.
Medication doesn't offer a complete solution - only relief from symptoms for a little while. To stop the recurring outbreaks, we must change our diet and reduce the fat. It is only then we will be free completely of Candida issue !