For years, Candida yeast overgrowth has been a known problem among adults but in recent times, children have captured the attention of medical researchers and doctors specific to this yeast. In fact, new studies are showing that some of the common childhood health conditions could actually be the direct response to Candida albicans. For instance, it is not believed that ear infections, rashes, and even autism may have a link somehow to an overgrowth of Candida yeast.
We know that Candida yeast overgrowth can wreck havoc on an adult's health so why would it be any different for children. While there could be a number of contributing factors, one that appears to be a major culprit is antibiotics. After all, children are on and off antibiotics for all kinds of problems, which in reality, stimulate the growth of Candida yeast. Over the, the yeast grows to such a level that it begins to attack the body, causing a long list of problems, physically and mentally.
< br /> Typically what happens is that as the overproduction of Candida yeast continues, a child's immune system is compromised and weakened. Soon, the yeast has multiplied to such a point that organs and systems within the body are being sickened. The result of an overproduction of Candida yeast can be seen in the form of hyperactivity, allergies, obesity, depression, learning disabilities, and even self-control.
Although there remains some controversy, many experts now believe there is a direct link between Candida yeast overgrowth and autism. Years ago, one of every two thousand children would develop autism but today, it is one out of every one hundred sixty children. Obviously, something serious is happening that needs to be identified and addressed.
What a number of in-depth studies are now showing is that in autistic children who have high levels of Candida yeast, autistic symptoms are much worse because of the weakened immune system. In this c ase, the body is working overtime trying to eliminate the harmful yeast, causing other parts of the body to be neglected. Therefore, symptoms associated with autism are exacerbated.
For Candida yeast overgrowth to be eliminated, early diagnosis and treatment are imperative. Otherwise, the immune system will continue to weaken as it also tries to fight off the infection. There is a positive side in that the diagnosis of Candida yeast overgrowth in children is a simple and affordable process. In fact, there are a number of natural remedies that work exceptionally well, starting with change of diet.
It is easy for children in today's society to eat high quantities of refined sugar and yeast, the two worst things when it comes to Candida. Therefore, parents will need to intervene, teaching their child the right foods to eat so they feel better. Usually, the child would need to go through a two-week cleansing phase. During this time, the diet is strict, which is a little difficult for the child but it is only temporary.
After the initial cleansing period, parents would need to take a positive approach regarding food, showing the child the food can still be enjoyed while also being healthy. As far as the child going on future antibiotics, this is a concern that should be discussed with the doctor. If your child has been diagnosed with having an overproduction of Candida yeast, then the doctor is going to understand the importance of finding alternatives for health.
In most cases, children who have Candida yeast overgrowth but who have been properly treated will go on to live a much healthier and happier life. Remember, if the yeast continues to spiral out of control, it changes to a fungus with roots that will attach itself to the intestinal wall. Eventually as the roots grow and take hold, the mucosal lining of the intestine can be penetrated, allowing dangerous toxins to be released in the bloodst ream, which then travels throughout the body.
Being a parent comes with a long list of responsibilities including health. If you have a child who is experiencing fatigue, mood swings, problems with concentration, diarrhea, weight gain, depression, headaches, and other ongoing problems, it could very well be Candida yeast overgrowth. If your child is showing signs of autism, go ahead and request the doctor to do the proper testing to make sure this is not the underlying problem.