You will be able to find a number of women as well as men around you who are suffering from the symptoms of Candida infection. The disease is called Candidiasis caused mainly by Candida albicans, a type of yeast and a fungus. Candida thrives harmlessly inside the body, and in normal body their growth is prevented by several helpful bacteria and the immune system.
The helpful bacteria that control the growth of Candida are often killed by the antibiotics. Then our immune system also often become weak and both the situations trigger off the growth of these funguses in an unchecked manner.
The minor manifestations of candidiasis include oral thrush, skin irritations, and vaginal yeast infections in women. In its most unchecked expansion, it may enter the intestines leading to the penetration of the intestinal wall. If the yeasts succeed in crossing the intestine wall, they along with other unwanted parasites will be absorbed into the body.
Once these harmful parasites are absorbed in the body you will start suffering from such symptoms as fatigue, headache, mood swings, poor memory and concentration, cravings for wrong foods. The condition is generally termed as fibromyalgia.
So you can understand how important it is to keep your inside clean of the Candida albicans! There are various ways of get rid of their infection. The objectives of all these treatments are same; to create an environment that is unfavorable for these funguses but favorable for the growth of the helpful bacteria in the colon to bring back the bowel to its normal healthy state.
The dietary changes are the major component of any Candida cleanse program.
The diet that one should follow to keep the system clean of Candida is known as Candida diet and there are varieties of Candida diets coined by different schools of nutritionists.
The important features of Candida diet are: – You will hear about those easy Candida diets that simply eliminate a few foods from your diet. Rest of the foods can be consumed without any restriction. – Then there are more complex versions of Candida diets that strictly restrict the intake of such foods as meat, sugar, flour, hydrogenated fats, or dairy products. – Which type of the Candida diet is suitable for you will be decided by your physician on the basis of the severity of your candidiasis symptoms. – You will also require to stay away from caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, refined, bleached, or chemically treated flour, mushrooms and nuts and so on. – You have to add more fresh and raw vegetables and fruits in your diet and supplement the diet with yeast-free multivitamins and pro biotics. – In addition to that you must undergo a course of anti fungal mediations to kill the Candida.