Hey there,
if you are reading this now, I suppose you are looking for some answers to the common candida (yeast infection) and candida die off related questions..
What causes yeast infections?
What are the yeast infection symptoms?
What is the best yeast infection treatment?
Is there difference between vaginal and oral yeast infection?
How to cure skin yeast infection?
What is the best candida diet?
Are there any natural anti candida treatments?
How to treat a trush infection ?
What about male yeast infections?
How to treat candida rash ?
After all… how to kill candida?
We all know that candida attacks the immune system first. Things like stress and bad eating habi ts tend to bring it on faster. When the immune system is weak, it is more vulnerable to Candida.
Candida puts a lot of stress on the body. The body then becomes susceptible to other health issues. It is an exasperating cycle that never ends if you don't get treated.
Your body then becomes toxic because it is not receiving the right nutrients for optimal health. Carbohydrate fermentation in the intestine is caused by Candida albicans. The fermentation produces ethanol in the body, which eventually gets into the bloodstream.
Once you start with an antifungal medical treatment and candida starts to die off, you can experience even worse symptoms then the infection itself.
Candida die off, also called "Herxheimer response", occurs when you take an antifungal cure and the yeast is killed off too quickly and overwhelms the body with toxins.
Candida die off symptoms are different for every person, there are some who won't experience any problems and others who may only feel slight discomfort. But, there are also those who experience more severe symptoms of the candida die off effect. Candida die off will diminish over time, but the length of it's duration is dependent on how strong the medication is that you're taking, how the antifungal kills it, how capable your body is for detox and how much Candida overgrowth you have. It may last a few hours or it may last a few weeks.
But what if this unpleasant and painful affair could be completely avoided?
Answers to this and some other candida related questions can be found here: www.candidadieoff.info