Candida Yeast
What is Candida? Candida is a form of yeast that typically lives in every person's digestive tract. At times, however, the yeast develops rapidly in an "overgrowth," which occurs when the body's systems become imbalanced. When such an imbalance occurs, then the yeast overgrowth can attack any organ or system in the body. This overgrowth is also called "Candidiasis. Candida infections are often common after treatments involving antibiotics, which destroy certain bacteria that prevents the increase of candida. No diagnostic tests exist for candida.
Two kinds of candida yeast infections exist: systemic and digestive. All yeast infections begin with the simple digestive form, in which the parasite attaches itself in the intestinal wall. The pervasive systemic infection takes the form of a massive fungal infection. This kind of infection
permeates the gastrointestinal wall and eventually enters the bloodstream to spread to other parts of the body. Despite its perhaps most commonly known association with vaginitis, candida albicans can be present in males and females across the lifespan.
Vaginal Yeast Infection is common. It is most widely known as the causal agent of a kind of vaginitis. This kind of infection can repeat itself even after apparently successful treatment, becoming "recurrent" if a woman experiences infection four or more times over a single twelve month span. Up to three out of every four women will experience a candida yeast infection at least one time during her life, while nearly one of every two women experience more than one such infection. Women who get these kinds of infections are frequently under stress such as sleeplessness, illness, or pregnancy. Women with conditions that affect the immune system are also prone to vaginal yeast infections.
Candida Albicans and Autism is more common. Candida albicans is also a suspected causal agent in autism. O n rare occasions, the treatment of candida also results in a cure for autism. This relationship may be caused by certain microbial etabolites that appear in the urine of autistic children.
Can a Yeast Infection be Cured? Yes, it can be cured, although the cure is not a simple or comfortable one. One cure for an overgrowth of candida albicans is that of taking a nutritional supplement to replace the nutrutional microbes destroyed by candida. Another possible treatment is that of a low-sugar diet that reduces the number of foods upon which yeast thrives. When a candida albicans overgrowth is destroyed, it is possible that the person undergoing treatment will become ill. This reaction, called the "Herxheimer reaction," occurs due to the toxins being released into the individual's system following the destruction of the yeast infection.
There is some evidence of a connection between probiotics and a cure for candida albicans. The term "probiotics" can refer to any microorganism, provided that microorganism is intended to aid in health and healing. Probiotics can be found in several forms on the market, including freeze-dried Lactobacilli. One of the best probiotics is Total Immune Booster.
There are other problems associated with Candida Albicans.
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Immunodeficiencies and Allergies
- Systemic Degeneration
- Joint Pain
- Skin Problems, such as psoriasis and rashes, and a host of other problems that appear to have no known cause.