Having the right kind of diet can help to speed recovery from a candida infection in the gastorintestinal (GI) tract. And there is little trouble finding candida diet recipes in books and across the Internet.
However, it is important to not just to follow any recipe that is found on the internet blindly, and to understand how a recipe needs to be constructed, including what should be excluded form the diet and what to include. In this way the diet becomes easier to understand, and it allows for greater understanding so that activities like dinning out can be enjoyed, while still keeping within the boundaries of an anti-candida diet.
It is important to understand that an overgrowth of Candida in a person's digestive tract can be very tricky to diagnose. There are a number of symptoms that are similar to other conditions, and as candida is a normal resident of the GI tract forming part of the flora, it is not a simple diagnosis when evidence of candida is found in the gut.
A candida overgrowth in the GI tract is normally linked to either a weakened immune system, low levels of friendly bacteria (which normally suppress candida growth), or a diet that is high in sugary foods.
Identifying which of these, or other factors, may have caused the candida to overgrow is an important step in combating the condition.
An anti candida diet is an especially designed diet that eliminates foods to starve the candida yeast and help promote a healthy immune system and gut flora.
Therefore, it will restrict foods that contain refined or natural sugars, foods that contain yeast, foods that contain mould or fungi, and foods that have been fermented.
Often cows milk is excluded, and as a general rule try to avoid as much processed foods as possible, as they often contain many hidden ingredients, including sugars and yeast that are used in the manufacturing process.
Whenever possible it is advised that fresh organic foods are eaten, this will reduce the levels of pesticides and preservatives that are used in and on the foods, meaning that less toxins are being consumed, and so helping the natural balance in the gut re-establish itself.
Some examples of what can be included in an anti candida diet include:
1. Fish, chicken and other forms of poultry as well as eggs and seafood (crabs, mussels, cockles etc.), lamb and veal. All of which provide you with the additional protein that your body needs.
2. Vegetables of all varieties can be included in your diet except for corn, carrots and potatoes unfortunately corn and carrots are high in sugar whilst potatoes contain carbohydrates both of which feed candida. Include such vegetables, which have anti-fungal properties such as raw garlic and onions. Also increase your intake of vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, turnips and kale.
Continue reading to discover natural ways of relieving candida overgrowth and more about candida recipes by signing up for our free newsletter.
Many traditional Indian, Spanish, Italian as well as Oriental and Middle Eastern recipes are acceptable. Indian recipes can be especially beneficial as many of them contain natural yogurt which is especially beneficial to the digestive system as it helps to repopulate the friendly bacteria found in the digestive system and which help to keep candida at bay.
Although there are many candida diet recipes available on the Internet, ensure that you are aware of what can and what can't be included in a recipe for your own specific condition. Each person is different, and some recipes do not follow the strict approach necessary in the early stages of relieving a candida overgrowth.