Candida Cures: Fasting and Cleansing

If you're thinking about your options for getting rid of c.albicans naturally, doing candida fasting might come to mind. Perhaps you're tired of taking medications such as Nystatin, Diflucan, Clotrimazole Monistat, ThreeLac and others.

Cleansing and fasting has been done for centuries for various reasons including spiritual and health benefits. This is a good option for people who seem to get constant relapses of this infection. Candida cleansing and doing fasts are increasing in popularity as people learn about what creates yeast overgrowth and learn about what feeds this bacteria. By fasting, you could cause a candida die off and strengthen your immune system in the process.

Fasting can be done for many health reasons including to rid the body of parasites and toxins and for increased immune system. You'll find a long list of types of fasts and many supporting supplements and recipes for juices that can help you get through this period of time.< br />
Fasting is something that's not for everyone. Some people who have blood sugar issues or are on medication shouldn't go without food for a long period of time. If you are confident your doctor would give you the green light for fasting, you might consider it. Do extensive research before getting started.

Juice fasting generally isn't recommended for yeast infection sufferers because of the high sugar content. Even though pure juice contains natural sugar instead of refined sugar, it can still provide food for yeast bacteria to continue to grow. By reducing the sugar in a candida diet you can in effect, starve out the c.albicans and vegetable juice or straight water fasts are often done for candida.

Various fasting processes are recommended including water fasting and taking yeast infection supplements that are designed to support your body through a detoxification. Some include supplements you can purchase and you can find home remedies such as fresh garlic or grated ginger to put in the water to support the body during the cleanse. There are also recommended fasts that include vegetable juices which can provide you with health benefits and energy during your fasting period.

Flushing out toxins can be done with a water fast but it's important to be aware that during a cleanse or fast you can experience symptoms of a candida die-off which can be unpleasant. It's important to realize that the symptoms are temporary and can result in increased health and well being after the fact as well as an increased strength in your body's immune system which will impact your health positively going forward.

What duration should a fast be?

Fasting is done for different reasons and when it comes to starving the yeast in your body. Some fasts are done for three days and others are done for five days. The type of fast you do can impact the duration. The results can be very favorable in terms of ridding your body of yeast and of other undesirable toxins and parasites as well.

When it comes time to break your fast, it's important to do so carefully otherwise you can quickly undo all the health benefits you have just sacrificed for. Changing your lifestyle can help your body and help you reduce the chances of getting yeast overgrowth in future.