Are You Suffering From Combined Candida Yeast Chronic Fatigue Symptoms?

If you or a loved one is suffering with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it is worth exploring the potential candida yeast chronic fatigue link.

Candida yeast can be harmless and co-exist on or in the human body for the majority of the time. However, if allowed to grow excessively then it can become a real cause for concern, and in some severe cases a candida infection can become life threatening if left untreated.

As well as being an uncomfortable infection it can also contribute towards a number of other medical problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, gas and bloating and also fatigue. In this article we will look more closely at just what the relationship is between Candida Yeast and Chronic Fatigue.

In some cases, where the actual clinical signs of a Candida yeast infection may not be obvious, they can still trigger other symptoms and complications.

Certainly, many people who suffer from a yeast infection but do not show the normal signs of the infection may find that they suffer from fatigue, become irritable, and can suffer from constipation or diarrhea or both plus many other symptoms.

However there are some researchers who are suggesting that a change in a person's normally healthy levels of bacteria found in the intestine could play a part in a person suffering from the symptoms associated with Chronic Fatigue. These bacteria are a defense mechanism against bacterial infection, virus' and yeast infections. They also play an important role in ensuring we maintain a strong immune system and an effective digestive function.

As yet there is no evidence to show which, if any, specific type of virus or infection is the single cause for a person to suffer from chronic fatigue.

Yet it has been shown that people who have CFS often have an elevated levels of anti-bodies to organisms which can cause Lyme disease, Candida (yeast infections), HHV-t (Herpes vi rus Type 6) along with Measles and Parvovirus.

So, the link seems conclusive, except that researchers have spent vast amounts of time looking at the possibility that some sort of virus of other infectious agents, for example Candida yeast is the cause of chronic fatigue. But at present there is no firm evidence to prove that this is the case.

The difficulty in diagnosing a link between chronic fatigue and candida, or any other infection is understandable. It is hard to spot a trend, as many people suffer from virus and yeast infection's, but do not then go on to suffer with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Interestingly, there has been some research carried out that showed if a person follows an anti-candida diet, then it can help with the CFS symptoms.

These diets require a restricted intake of sugars, yeast products and processed foods. Although, this research was not carried out on a large scale, it does indicate that there ca n be benefits to changing to a healthy diet that can re-energize the immune system.

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So, although there seems to be plenty of anecdotal evidence of a candida yeast chronic fatigue connection, there is no conclusive proof to that effect. The best advice that anyone can give is that you should react to any indication of symptoms of candida overgrowth and work to eliminate it as soon as possible. In this way you can minimize the risk of complications.