Intestinal yeast infections are caused by Candida overgrowth in the digestive tract. The Candida is fed continuously by what you eat so your diet will play an important part of eliminating the yeast from your intestines. This single approach however, will not eliminate the yeast from your body as it is now an aggressive fungus that will find something else to feed on if it needs to, and its food will be you.
The mutated Candida yeast is now a fungus and fungus can easily adapt to its surroundings, and it will learn how to survive. One thing the yeast does like feeding on is you. The itching in your genital area is caused by the yeast feeding on the skin cell membranes in and around your vagina. If it is left to feed it will burrow it's way deeper into your skin until you can no longer stand the itching and burning.
Diet alone will not prevent the Candida yeast from feeding on you so you need to kill the yeast in order to rid it from your body. Eat ing an anti Candida diet is an important part of your anti Candida protocol, but this needs to be backed up with natural anti fungals that will kill the yeast.
Killing the yeast not only cures your intestinal yeast infection, it will also make room for the re-growth of your friendly bacteria that your body needs. Your friendly bacteria will prevent the yeast from infecting you in two ways.
First, your friendly bacteria will fight off the yeast as it does naturally in any healthy human being. Any Candida that enters your body that survives the journey past your stomach acid will then be killed off by your intestines colony of friendly bacteria.
Secondly, your friendly bacteria will also strengthen your immune system. A healthy immune system will help your body naturally fight off any reoccurrence of your Candida overgrowth. Women with healthy immune systems have no trouble in curing their yeast infection with an over the counter anti fun gal cream. It's when your immune system is weak that the Candida will become recurrent, and then you have trouble curing it until you find out the real cause.
Adding probiotics to your anti Candida protocol will speed up the time in which you cure your internal Candida infection. Probiotics will help rebalance our intestinal flora, and strengthen your immune system.
So although your diet is important you also need to kill the yeast, and repopulate your intestines with friendly bacteria. Doing all of these will strengthen your body from the inside so you can successfully rid your body of the Candida yeast.