There has been an increase in the number of medical conditions that can be, at least partly, attributed to a westernized lifestyle. A Candida Albicans infection is one of them. Although there are a number of cases where the candida infection cause is unknown, there does tend to be specific conditions that allow candida albicans to thrive. So, if you have an infection, what candida albicans treatment options are available to you?
Firstly, the symptoms of a candida infection can often be misdiagnosed. For instance, an infection in the vagina is often self-diagnosed as a yeast infection, when it may actually be a bacterial infection. Therefore the treatment that is used can be ineffective, or even help the infection grow quicker.
Unfortunately, the same can be true of an overgrowth of candida in the intestines. This can sometimes be thought of as a bacterial infection, and antibiotics prescribed. This however, can have a worsening effect on the symp toms as antibiotics kill off the friendly bacteria, which suppress the candida albicans growth.
This is why a person who has a suspected yeast infection should speak with their doctor to get a proper diagnosis before commencing treatment
Once a candida infection is confirmed, then the doctor will normally recommend one of a number of anti fungal medications, which are either available on prescription or over the counter. This medication will come as either a lotion or as an oral supplement.
However, it is important the root cause of the infection is identified and eliminated or treated. Otherwise there is the risk of reoccurrence once the course of treatment has been finished.
Here are some simple tips that can be taken to improve the body's chance of fighting the candida infection and also to reduce the risk of reoccurrence. The adoption of these tips is dependent upon the type of candida infection that you may have.
Identify ways to improve the immune system, which will reduce the chance of a candida infection taking hold
Check that any medication you are taking is required as this may be suppressing the immune system.
Check for any soaps or cleaning materials that are being used that could be irritating the skin or the vaginal area.
Make sure that if you wear dentures and you have oral thrush that they fit correctly, poorly fitting dentures they can effect the mucous membrane and allow the candida to thrive.
If the infection is in the intestines then bolster the diet with probiotics, which are the friendly bacteria that normally keep the candida albicans in check.
You can follow an anti candida diet, which restrict foods that contain sugars, yeast, fungus and mould, fermented foods and certain diary products. These diets starve the candida, while simultaneously feeding the body with nutritionally rich foods that h elp build the immune system.
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