Candida is a disease that can cause a lot of discomfort and effect your life in several ways. To cure it permanently is important, if you want to live your life normally. You can get a Candida test at your physician. It's a simple blood test and nothing complicated. If you have many different symptoms, such as sugar cravings, bloating, fatigue, reoccurring skin and genital yeast infections, you can probably be quite sure it's Candida you are suffering from.
When you have been properly diagnosed, it's time to start a treatment. The only thing really working to cure it permanently is to do an anti yeast diet, complemented with herbs and supplements. You can cure symptoms by over the counter drugs and creams and be better for a while, but it will all come back sooner of later. A anti Candida diet takes some planning, because you can't eat any food that contains yeast. There's a lot of foods that you can eat though, so it's not as tough as you might t hink. And in the end you will be free if ALL your symptoms, and that is a big relief. Usually you have to do the diet for 1 ½ month or maybe two. Usually you will be symptom free after a week maximum.
The most important in a diet is to avoid sugar, dairy products and flour products like pastries, bread, biscuits. You can eat most vegetables, fish, meat and pore oils. Usually it's effective to take garlic and a colon cleanse as well.
It's not an impossible task. You just have to set your mind to it, and you will be cured before you know it.
Learn more about the details in an anti Candida diet in the link below.