Those looking at potential candida treatment options should know that there are traditional medical approaches as well as holistic approaches. What's right for you can depend on a lot of factors but many people believe that going holistic as much as possible is the best way to manage problems with candida infections.
Holistic vs Medical Candida Treatments
A holistic approach is often considered a safer approach. Instead of medications to kill the candida albicans which can also kill beneficial flora in the gut you use a natural approach to cure the condition. Another factor of holistic cures is prevention. By changing dietary or lifestyle habits you can change the body's chemistry which can prevent new harmful yeast from growing.
Your yeast infection treatment largely depends on whether or not this is the first yeast infection you've had. You really should actually have a diagnosis to ensure you are suffering from candida albic ans. Once you know you have a yeast infection, it's easier to take either a medicinal or holistic approach.
Whether you use a candida diet or take herbs or take prescription medication to deal with candida problems, knowing what your triggers and symptoms are can be a very valuable approach to keeping candida albicans at bay.
In terms of prescription medication options, Diflucan is a commonly used antifungal medical treatment for yeast infections. While this is a candida treatment option that works for many people, many people can have side effects as a result of using the drug. Nausea and headaches are common side effects. Those with recurring problems with candida can also find that Diflucan can become ineffective for them. Taking drugs too often can not only result in their losing effect but in being harmful on vital organs such as the liver.
Many people look for candida treatment options that are more natural, especially when they h ave recurring yeast infections. Today, more than ever people are finding that a holistic approach can be a safer way to deal with a problem such as candida. Making our bodies inhospitable for this yeast seems to be the best defense against having excess yeast which leads to candida infections.
What is a candida infection? Candida albicans are already present in our bodies along with other bacteria. Some of our bacteria is necessary for helping to create a harmonious environment in our digestive systems. When the candida albicans bacteria get out of control due to excess growth, it can cause many side effects including vaginal rash and discharge, oral thrush as well as other side effects. It's important to keep the body at an ideal pH balance to keep the bacteria levels in check. Some people are more susceptible to yeast infections than others and issues such as taking antibiotics plus eating habits can all impact the body's ability to stay at a healthy balance.< br />
Food that you eat and supplements that you take can also impact your body's ability to fight off the growth of candida. Learning as much as you can is quite important if your health is poor due to immune system deficiency or because you have problems with recurring yeast infections. Tests are avialable to determine what your body's pH balance is.
Naturopath Or MD? How Do You Treat Your Candida?
Intestinal Yeast Infections - Naturally Curing Candida Overgrowth
Intestinal yeast infections are easy to cure once you know the cause of your infection, and the steps you need to take to successfully rid the Candida yeast from your body. The Candida that causes your symptoms is now a fungus that is feeding on your body's cell membranes, and it also feeds of certain foods that you consume on a day to day basis. Once you have discovered the cause and eliminated everything that is contributing to the overgrowth of this destructive fungus you will regain your good health.
Your anti Candida diet
Your diet is the first part of your lifestyle you must change in order to rid your body of the Candida yeast. An intestinal yeast infection will continue to get worse while you're feeding the yeast with foods that help it get stronger and help it multiply faster. Fungus doesn't need much for it to spread at an alarming rate so feeding it will allow it to completely take over your digestive tract in a very short time.
< br /> Staying away from antibiotics and other oral anti fungals
Antibiotics are now the biggest cause of Candida infections in the intestines. To keep the Candida from infecting your intestines your body needs a healthy colony of friendly bacteria keeping it clean and infection free.
One course of antibiotics will kill all of the friendly bacteria in your body so if you can you need to stay away from taking these anti bacterial drugs while you're trying to cure your intestinal Candida problem. If you have another infection like a urinary tract infection, strep throat or bacterial vaginosis then you can easily cure these with far more effective natural cures instead of using antibiotics.
Many people with a weak immune system will get other infections while they have a yeast infection because their body can't naturally prevent itself from being infected. Antibiotics will weaken your immune system so they will make your problems worse bef ore you decide to do the things that will make them better.
Natural anti fungal supplements
When you kill the yeast in your body you will be using natural anti fungal supplements and herbs. These kill the yeast without causing the side effects of anti fungal drugs. They don't destroy your body's natural chemical and bacterial balance like medications do.
What a natural intestinal yeast infection cure will do
When you want to successfully cure your Intestinal yeast infection you can only achieve this with a natural cure because of the side effects drugs have on your system. A natural cure will...
Kill the Candida yeast living in your intestines
Repopulate your intestines with friendly, infection fighting bacteria
Strengthen your infection fighting immune system
Improve your health and well being
Eliminate the need for any anti fungal or bacterial drugs
Natural cures for y east infections
Once you get everything right you will successfully be able to cure your intestinal Candida overgrowth.
Cure Candida
Candida is a very common disease among people in the west. 75 percent of overweight people are said to be suffering from candida. If you can get rid of your candida, you will be more likely to handle your over weight, scientists claim.
Over weight or not, with Candida in your body, you will have a hard time living a normal life, depending of the degree of the symptoms you have. Symptoms vary a whole lot among people. Common ones are bloating, sugar cravings, dizziness, depression, yeast infections. They are hard to get rid off permanently if you simply not stop feeding the Candida in your body. This can be done by doing an anti candida diet and colon cleanse. You will usually be symptom free quite quickly, normally after a few days or a week, but to permanently get rid of all the yeast in your body, a cleanse and a diet have to be obtained.
It's not very complicated, it just takes some planning. You should avoid all sugar and bread, because th ese contain yeast. You can eat most vegetables as well as fish, meats and chicken. Pasta and potato should be avoided, but there are several other cereals to choose from, like rice, mill and quinoa. You should also take a colon cleanse with psyllium seeds. Vitamin C and garlic helps to cleanse as well.
The first week or so, your symptoms can worsen. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. It means that your body is responding on the diet, so it's a positive thing. They will disappear after approximately a week or so. Just remember to not have a too busy schedule this first week, because you can be very tired and need extra rest because of the symptoms occurring.
Are You Suffering From Combined Candida Yeast Chronic Fatigue Symptoms?
If you or a loved one is suffering with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it is worth exploring the potential candida yeast chronic fatigue link.
Candida yeast can be harmless and co-exist on or in the human body for the majority of the time. However, if allowed to grow excessively then it can become a real cause for concern, and in some severe cases a candida infection can become life threatening if left untreated.
As well as being an uncomfortable infection it can also contribute towards a number of other medical problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, gas and bloating and also fatigue. In this article we will look more closely at just what the relationship is between Candida Yeast and Chronic Fatigue.
In some cases, where the actual clinical signs of a Candida yeast infection may not be obvious, they can still trigger other symptoms and complications.
Certainly, many people who suffer from a yeast infection but do not show the normal signs of the infection may find that they suffer from fatigue, become irritable, and can suffer from constipation or diarrhea or both plus many other symptoms.
However there are some researchers who are suggesting that a change in a person's normally healthy levels of bacteria found in the intestine could play a part in a person suffering from the symptoms associated with Chronic Fatigue. These bacteria are a defense mechanism against bacterial infection, virus' and yeast infections. They also play an important role in ensuring we maintain a strong immune system and an effective digestive function.
As yet there is no evidence to show which, if any, specific type of virus or infection is the single cause for a person to suffer from chronic fatigue.
Yet it has been shown that people who have CFS often have an elevated levels of anti-bodies to organisms which can cause Lyme disease, Candida (yeast infections), HHV-t (Herpes vi rus Type 6) along with Measles and Parvovirus.
So, the link seems conclusive, except that researchers have spent vast amounts of time looking at the possibility that some sort of virus of other infectious agents, for example Candida yeast is the cause of chronic fatigue. But at present there is no firm evidence to prove that this is the case.
The difficulty in diagnosing a link between chronic fatigue and candida, or any other infection is understandable. It is hard to spot a trend, as many people suffer from virus and yeast infection's, but do not then go on to suffer with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Interestingly, there has been some research carried out that showed if a person follows an anti-candida diet, then it can help with the CFS symptoms.
These diets require a restricted intake of sugars, yeast products and processed foods. Although, this research was not carried out on a large scale, it does indicate that there ca n be benefits to changing to a healthy diet that can re-energize the immune system.
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So, although there seems to be plenty of anecdotal evidence of a candida yeast chronic fatigue connection, there is no conclusive proof to that effect. The best advice that anyone can give is that you should react to any indication of symptoms of candida overgrowth and work to eliminate it as soon as possible. In this way you can minimize the risk of complications.
Diabetes and Candida Information
Are you interested in finding out if there is a connection between candida infections and Diabetes? There can be a strong connection between these two conditions and having Diabetes can increase your chances of having regular problems with your body's yeast levels plus if you're having regular bouts with candida this could be a symptom of a problem with your blood glucose levels.
What Causes Yeast Infections?
When yeast infections happen, it's because our body's bacteria levels are out of control. Many things can cause this and make you more susceptible and aggravate other health conditions in the process. Repeated yeast infections can mean that there is a serious underlying health condition as well such as Diabetes or another condition.
Just because you have repeated yeast infections does not mean you have a problem with your blood sugar but it's worth investigating when you are having problems with recurring candida. If you've tried various approaches to fight candida but it seems relentless, you may consider talking to your physician about testing for other health problems. If you already know you have diabetes, you can have a continuous battle with yeast.
Candida and Diabetes: The Connection
Our body has both good bacteria (and flora) and bad bacteria as well. The good guys can get overpowered by the bad guys when things go off kilter for many reasons such as illness, poor diet or medication we've been taking. People who are diabetics can be more prone to yeast infections because their body's levels are off due to their blood sugar and their lack of strength in their immune system can make it easy for unhealthy bacteria to thrive.
Treatment Challenges
There are yeast treatment challenges for those with Diabetes. You're probably already following a strict diet and know that when you stray from it you can have problems with your blood sugar. Sugar can feed candida and help them replicate.
Over the counter yeast infection and holistic approaches as well can be helpful but they can take longer for those with other health problems like Diabetes to see results with. If you chose a pharmacy over the counter 1 or 3 day suppository for a yeast infection it might not be powerful enough and if most people see a difference with a remedy in a few days, you could wait a few weeks.
The Cure for Candida
The cure for candida is different for everyone. We know that those with blood sugar problems benefit from being very careful about their eating habits. The same goes for candida sufferers. Following a candida diet can be very helpful in preventing yeast infections. Eating diabetic approved foods to increase your immune system's strength can also be very helpful as can exercise and other things done to improve your body's pH level.
It can take time for you to determine the cause and th e treatment for your health problems but looking at a holistic approach can help you both with your diabetes and recurring yeast infections.
A Candida Test
Candida is a disease that can cause a lot of discomfort and effect your life in several ways. To cure it permanently is important, if you want to live your life normally. You can get a Candida test at your physician. It's a simple blood test and nothing complicated. If you have many different symptoms, such as sugar cravings, bloating, fatigue, reoccurring skin and genital yeast infections, you can probably be quite sure it's Candida you are suffering from.
When you have been properly diagnosed, it's time to start a treatment. The only thing really working to cure it permanently is to do an anti yeast diet, complemented with herbs and supplements. You can cure symptoms by over the counter drugs and creams and be better for a while, but it will all come back sooner of later. A anti Candida diet takes some planning, because you can't eat any food that contains yeast. There's a lot of foods that you can eat though, so it's not as tough as you might t hink. And in the end you will be free if ALL your symptoms, and that is a big relief. Usually you have to do the diet for 1 ½ month or maybe two. Usually you will be symptom free after a week maximum.
The most important in a diet is to avoid sugar, dairy products and flour products like pastries, bread, biscuits. You can eat most vegetables, fish, meat and pore oils. Usually it's effective to take garlic and a colon cleanse as well.
It's not an impossible task. You just have to set your mind to it, and you will be cured before you know it.
Learn more about the details in an anti Candida diet in the link below.
Do You Know About The Candida Albicans Treatment Options Available?
There has been an increase in the number of medical conditions that can be, at least partly, attributed to a westernized lifestyle. A Candida Albicans infection is one of them. Although there are a number of cases where the candida infection cause is unknown, there does tend to be specific conditions that allow candida albicans to thrive. So, if you have an infection, what candida albicans treatment options are available to you?
Firstly, the symptoms of a candida infection can often be misdiagnosed. For instance, an infection in the vagina is often self-diagnosed as a yeast infection, when it may actually be a bacterial infection. Therefore the treatment that is used can be ineffective, or even help the infection grow quicker.
Unfortunately, the same can be true of an overgrowth of candida in the intestines. This can sometimes be thought of as a bacterial infection, and antibiotics prescribed. This however, can have a worsening effect on the symp toms as antibiotics kill off the friendly bacteria, which suppress the candida albicans growth.
This is why a person who has a suspected yeast infection should speak with their doctor to get a proper diagnosis before commencing treatment
Once a candida infection is confirmed, then the doctor will normally recommend one of a number of anti fungal medications, which are either available on prescription or over the counter. This medication will come as either a lotion or as an oral supplement.
However, it is important the root cause of the infection is identified and eliminated or treated. Otherwise there is the risk of reoccurrence once the course of treatment has been finished.
Here are some simple tips that can be taken to improve the body's chance of fighting the candida infection and also to reduce the risk of reoccurrence. The adoption of these tips is dependent upon the type of candida infection that you may have.
Identify ways to improve the immune system, which will reduce the chance of a candida infection taking hold
Check that any medication you are taking is required as this may be suppressing the immune system.
Check for any soaps or cleaning materials that are being used that could be irritating the skin or the vaginal area.
Make sure that if you wear dentures and you have oral thrush that they fit correctly, poorly fitting dentures they can effect the mucous membrane and allow the candida to thrive.
If the infection is in the intestines then bolster the diet with probiotics, which are the friendly bacteria that normally keep the candida albicans in check.
You can follow an anti candida diet, which restrict foods that contain sugars, yeast, fungus and mould, fermented foods and certain diary products. These diets starve the candida, while simultaneously feeding the body with nutritionally rich foods that h elp build the immune system.
Continue reading to discover more about candida albicans treatment options by signing up for our free Candida newsletter.
Candida: Food Craving 101- Update
Candida albicans is a form of yeast that naturally occurs in your body. It feeds of sugars, yeast, mold, and fungi that are in your diet. The more that you eat the foods that Candida albicans needs the quicker the yeast will spread. Because of Candida's need for sugar, it can cause you to crave unhealthy foods that contain large amounts of refined carbohydrates and sugars. Something in your body could be causing you to be a junk food junkie! One of the best things to do is to starve the Candida albicans out of you.
There are many foods that need to be either limited or completely avoided when you are on a diet to reduce a Candida infection. A good rule of thumb is to avoid foods with sugars or yeast. Reducing these will reduce the number of carbohydrates in your daily intake. Sometimes a carb restriction of less than 60g per day is required. It is not easy to eliminate the sources of sugar in your diet. All of us can recognize sugar in its most common forms(ra w, white, and brown), but there are some sneakier types out there. Honey, turbinado, demerrara, amesake, and fruit. You definitely need to remove fresh, frozen, and dried fruit, along with fruit juices, from your diet. Fruit contains natural, simple sugars that yeast can feed on a quickly grow. Read the label on any food you purchase. If you see any on of these words put it back on the shelf. Avoid: Sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, glycogen, glucose, mannitol, sorbital, glactose, and both mono and polysaccharides.
The other group of foods that you have to skip entirely are those that contain yeast. Baker's yeast, brewer's yeast, Engevita, and Torula are the most common forms of yeast you will come across at your local grocery store. You can understand why you need to avoid breads, rolls, crackers, bagels, pastries, and muffins. You will have to avoid alcohol, also. Foods that are thought to have a mold contamination or use fermentation have to be eliminated as well. Foods like peanuts, peanut butter, pistachios, coffee, black tea, cider, root beer, and all forms of cheese should be avoided like the plague. All forms of vinegar except organic apple cider vinegar should be avoided, too. This is not a complete list of the foods to be avoided, the ones to be reduced are not even included. If you want a complete guide, you can find a lot of great information on the internet, at your local library, or your chosen health care provider.
Now that your know what to eliminate or reduce in your diet, you are ready to learn what you can eat. After reading the "do not" list, you thought your options were limited to water only. Not true. Beef, poultry, lamb, eggs, and veal are viable meats for you Moderate portions are recommended. All manners of fish: clams, lobster, and shrimp. The fresher the better, but frozen is acceptable. Many nuts and seed such as Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, filburts, and pumpkin seeds. Fresh vegetable s should be stressed, Asparagus and spinach, especially, but do not overlook eating a variety like beets, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, and tomatoes. Think fresh though. Processing lowers the nutritional value and can add Candida friendly preservatives. This list could cover several pages if it included everything you can eat.
Some of the things you have to avoid can be re-introduced after the first two weeks of the diet. Introduce them slowly, and only one at a time. If you eat some thing again and have a painful recurrence, then you will have a good idea what caused it an can quickly eliminate that food again. You can drink small amounts of fruit juice if you prepare it yourself. That means to squeeze your own juice. Have this infrequently.
Living on a Candida diet does not have to be boring or keep you from going out to eat with your friends or lover. You just have to show restraint and some common sense. It's much better than the painful altern ative of a severe yeast infection.
Candida Cleanse - a Powerful Way to Improve Your Health
To appropriately restore the bodies natural ability to cleanse and detoxify itself there should first be an understanding of the risks of the overproduction of yeasts, what causes the overproduction of these bacteria's, and how a Candida cleanse can restore the natural detox ability of your body.
How Does the Overproduction of Yeast Effect My Health?
One of the most known forms of yeast is the vaginal yeast infection. However, the over production of yeast can play a role in just about any ment al health condition or chronic illness you can think of.
Yeast overgrowth interferes with the bodies natural detox process and is considered to be a leading contributor in alcoholism, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities, crohns, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, pms, endometriosis, fibromyalgia syndrome, prostatitis, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, asthma, food allergies, muscle and joint pain, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, asthma, repeated urinary tract infections, hormonal imbalances, migraines, digestive disturbances, difficult menopause, psoriasis, lupus, chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, Addison's disease and many others.
Preventing The Over Production of Yeast in Your Body
A Candida cleanse can help bring the body back into it's natural balance restoring the ability to cleanse and detoxify itself but first, let's take a look at the contributing factors that caus e this over production of yeasts in the first place and the ways that you can help prevent this over production of yeast, restoring your body's ability to perform it's natural detox process.
There are a variety of causes of Candida, but the two leading contributors are a diet high in sugar and refined foods and the overuse of antibiotics.
First and foremost you want to refrain from taking antibiotics unless it is absolutely necessary. Try to find other healthy alternatives such as whole body cleansing to detoxify your body and clear infections first. Of course there may be times when it can't be avoided and antibiotics are needed to clear infections.
If you must take an antibiotic for some reason, consider taking an acidophilus supplement during the course of the treatment. This will help keep healthy bacteria present in your body.
The second most important factor in reducing Candida symptoms is to follow a Candida diet. A diet high in sugar is optimal for the overproduction of yeast. It's crucial to eliminate sugars and refined foods to reduce overgrowth.
Most people with Candida infections are also suffering from nutritional deficiencies. A crucial step in restoring your body's natural ability to cleanse itself of the excessive yeast growth is correcting these nutritional deficiencies.
How to Choose a Candida Cleanse
A natural approach to a Candida cleanse is the most powerful way to relieve symptoms and improve your health.
Many people find a good colon cleanse to be helpful in eradicating or reducing their symptoms. Although good colon health is crucial for reducing yeast overgrowth, Candidas effects many parts of the body and all of the effected areas need to be addressed to assure an efficient Candida cleanse.
So in your search to restore your body's optimal performance, look for a natural detox system, that performs a whol e body cleansing and provides your body with the proper nutritional diet that will help cleanse your body now and prevent reoccurring infections in the future.
Candida Cleanse A Powerful Way to Improve Your Health
Before performing a Candida cleanse, consider this; most cases of Candida infection are caused by the person's own Candida organisms. Candida yeasts usually live in the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina without causing symptoms. Problems occur when something upsets the balance of bacteria in the body and allows the yeast organism to reproduce and become overgrown in these sites, leaving the body unable to perform it's natural detox process.
To appropriately restore the bodies natural ability to cleanse and detoxify itself there should first be an understanding of the risks of the overproduction of yeasts, what causes the overproduction of these bacteria's, and how a Candida cleanse can restore the natural detox ability of your body.
How Does the Overproduction of Yeast Effect My Health?
One of the most known forms of yeast is the vaginal yeast infection. However, the over production of yeast can play a role in just about any mental health condition or chronic illness you can think of.
Yeast overgrowth interferes with the bodies natural detox process and is considered to be a leading contributor in alcoholism, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivities, crohns, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, pms, endometriosis, fibromyalgia syndrome, prostatitis, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, asthma, food allergies, muscle and joint pain, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, asthma, repeated urinary tract infections, hormonal imbalances, migraines, digestive disturbances, difficult menopause, psoriasis, lupus, chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, Addison's disease and many others.
Preventing The Over Production of Yeast in Your Body
A Candida cleanse can help bring the body back into it's natural balance restoring the ability to cleanse and detoxify itself but first, let's take a look at the contributing factors that cause this o ver production of yeasts in the first place and the ways that you can help prevent this over production of yeast, restoring your body's ability to perform it's natural detox process.
There are a variety of causes of Candida, but the two leading contributors are a diet high in sugar and refined foods and the overuse of antibiotics.
First and foremost you want to refrain from taking antibiotics unless it is absolutely necessary. Try to find other healthy alternatives such as whole body cleansing to detoxify your body and clear infections first. Of course there may be times when it can't be avoided and antibiotics are needed to clear infections. If you must take an antibiotic for some reason, consider taking an acidophilus supplement during the course of the treatment. This will help keep healthy bacteria present in your body.
The second most important factor in reducing Candida symptoms is to follow a Candida diet. A diet high in sugar is optimal for the overproduction of yeast. It's crucial to eliminate sugars and refined foods to reduce overgrowth.
Most people with Candida infections are also suffering from nutritional deficiencies. A crucial step in restoring your body's natural ability to cleanse itself of the excessive yeast growth is correcting these nutritional deficiencies.
How to Choose a Candida Cleanse
A natural approach to a Candida cleanse is the most powerful way to relieve symptoms and improve your health.
Many people find a good colon cleanse to be helpful in eradicating or reducing their symptoms. Although good colon health is crucial for reducing yeast overgrowth, Candidas effects many parts of the body and all of the effected areas need to be addressed to assure an efficient Candida cleanse.
So in your search to restore your body's optimal performance, look for a natural detox system, that performs a whole body cleansing and p rovides your body with the proper nutritional diet that will help cleanse your body now and prevent reoccurring infections in the future.
Create A Personal Candida Cook Book And Food Journal
A candida cook book is a good idea for anyone who suffers from, or is prone to candida overgrowth. It is important that a candida sufferer takes every necessary precaution to avoid developing a fungal infection (Candidiasis) in their intestinal tract, mouth, skin, and genitals. The best way to control a Candida overgrowth is to follow a specific diet that does not encourage the development of bad gut bacteria or yeast.
However, before a candida cook book is started, you first need to create a food journal and carefully analyze your diet and find out which foods trigger candidasis, and those that done. You can then create an anti-candida diet based on your findings.
There are many foods that can cause an overgrowth in candida such as:
- Sugar in all it's forms (refined, artificial, natural)
- Yeast food products - bread, pizza dough, breadcrumbs
- Refined grains - foods that are made with white flower (I.E. pasta, bread, ce real
- Smoked and cured food products - processed meat, bacon, sausage, etc.
- Beverages - Caffeinated coffee, tea, soda, beer, liquor, wine etc.
- Fermented food products - pickles, vinegar, soy sauce, etc.
- Dairy products - cheeses, cream, cows milk, etc.
- Peanut and peanut products
- And so on
Knowing what foods are considered safe to eat is just as important as knowing what to eliminate when creating a candida cook book. This is because, you need to know what food you can use to make healthy recipes you can enjoy and are fungal-free. Below is a brief list of foods most candida suffers can eat -
- Herbs and mild spices such as garlic
- Fresh vegetables - onions, carrots, cucumber, etc.
- Legumes - peas, beans, etc.
- Dairy - Butter, cottage cheese, yogurt
- Eggs and unprocessed, organic meat
- Oats such as porridge
- Whole grain products - rice, bread, etc.
- Oily fis h such as mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna, etc.
- Eggs
- Beverages - water, fresh fruit juice, herbal teas, fresh vegetable juice, such as pumpkin juice (Note: be careful with vegetable juices, as many of them, especially carrot contain plenty of sugar)
Keep in mind that some of the foods in the above list could aggravate candida symptoms. This is why it is imperative you create your own person food journal to determine what foods are best for you. Once you know what foods you can safely incorporate into your diet, you can begin creating you own candidia cook book by finding recipes that have "safe" ingredients.
Where can you find recipes? You can find recipes in special cooking books for candida in local and online bookstores. You can also find many recipes online by simply searching for the keyword "candida recipe". An example of an excellent online site is Candidadiet. com.
Create a candida cook book
Once yo u find recipes, you'll need somewhere to put them. You'll find that creating your own cook book is an easy process. The following are the supplies you will need to create your own cook book include:
- 3-hole punched paper to manually record recipes
- Binder to store recipes
- 3-hole punch so you can print off recipes online and add them to your binder
- Pen/ pencil
- Dividers so you can divide your cook book into sections.
To keep your cook book organized, it's a good idea to divide it into different recipe sections. You may find this suggestion helpful:
- Appetizers
- Salads
- Soups
- Sauces
- Main course
- Desserts
- Beverages
Finally, don't forget that you can put your own chef abilities to the test and create your own yummy tasting recipes, and add them to your candida cook book as well.
An Effective Candida Cure Must Contain an Anti Yeast Diet
You can get rid of your symptoms for a while, with conventional pharmacy drugs, but if you really want to cure the cause of the disease, a diet is really the only way to go. You need to take some additional herbs to make it effective as well.
How should a candida cure look and what should it contain? First of all, you should be prepared that you have to be on the diet for a couple of months, before you are totally cured from the intestinal candida. You will usually be free from your symptoms after a week or even faster, though. In the first couple of days it’s common to experience so called die off symptoms, and during this your symptoms increase. This is not anything to worry about and it will disappear after a couple of days or so. It simply means that your diet is working and that the body is cleaning the yeast out. The diet can seem quite extreme, but there are really a lot you can eat, you just have to set your mind to change your food habits for a while for some time. And from the wellness you gain from it, makes it really worth while! Some people claim they got their life back because of the diet.
Things you can eat on your candida diet:
Most meats, such as beef, duck and chicken
Vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, tomatos and olives.
Pure oils and butter
yeast free sour-rye bread
There’s many more foods that you can eat, so as you can see, it’s quite easy to get by. You should also take some supplements to make the cure work and do the work, such as garlic, a colon cleanse with psyllium seeds, and big amounts of pure vitamin C.
More important are the things that you can't have. All sugars, all flour except in rye sour bread, all artificial colorings should be left out during the diet. This means you have to read the labels on your food carefully. It may sound difficult, but just do your homework and plan everything carefully before you get going with the diet. Make meal plans week by week. This will make it easier to follow. See to it that you don’t have such a busy schedule in the beginning, since it’s going to take quite a lot of your time and you might be very tired as well.
If you just are patient and stick to the cure, you will truly notice how much better you will get.
So, bare with the food restrictions for some time, and you will regain your energy and the health you deserve.
Sign up for a free e-mail mini course on candida cures or browse around and learn more about it at The Candida Yeast Infection Site
How to Eliminate Candida Yeast Infections
You have probably seen your doctor numerous times and maybe even seen several different doctors. You may have spent large amounts of money trying to feel better but nothing has worked. Finally, after countless hours of research or finding the right doctor, you realize you are suffering from candida. Now what? You can find a lot of literature regarding the candida diet (an essential component but not a treatment by itself) and there are lots of products available that claim to cure yeast overgrowth. How do I know what to do?
First things first - Candida is a very stubborn little organism to get rid of. You must treat this infection on all possible fronts to have the greatest likelihood of success. Keep in mind, a very small amount of yeast left anywhere in your digestive tract can start growing - within 6 months to a year you can be reinfected! It is also important to keep in mind how long you have had the yeast overgrowth. Many individuals have been dealing with thi s problem for years and not realized it. If it is a relatively new situation, you should have an easier time treating the condition. The more extensive the infestation, the harder the battle will be.
It is best to attack the problem in phases. Your first phase should involve killing parasites and cleaning out the intestinal track. Parasites are always present with yeast overgrowth. It is not known whether the parasites are part of the cause or an occurrence due to the yeast infection. We do know they come hand in hand. Parasites excrete toxins that kill friendly bacteria and can suppress the immune system, creating an environment rich for yeast growth. You will also want to start killing the yeast during your first phase. You will want to use products that kill parasites, kill yeast, and flush out and clean the intestine. Some great products include:
CandiClear5 (kills parasites, kills yeast, absorbs toxins and products of yeast die off, absorbs heavy metals an d balances the bodies PH. A note about this product - it is a wonderful product for eliminating yeast, probably the best! It is quite awful to drink however! Blending it in a fruit smoothie is a good way to get it down, avoiding the chalky texture and bad aftertaste).
Colon cleansing products (colon boost, colon cleanse, indigest free, colonix, Re gulux are all good products. Indigest free is the only product I am aware of that actually scrapes the lining of the intestinal wall, however.
After you have worked on killing the parasite and cleaning the intestine, you are ready for phase two. This phase involves attacking the yeast in full force! During phases 1 and 2 it is most important to head the candida diet! Use as many products as you would like or can afford during phase two.
Keep using CandiClear5! (sorry about the taste and texture but it will work).
Hemoxide (your body naturally produces nitric oxide to fight candida. This product will assi st your body use it's own natural defense. Nitric oxide also increases circulation, makes nutrients more available on a cellular level and flushes out toxins)
Threelac, Candex, and Carnivora are also great products in killing yeast.
Phase three is the point when you start regrowing healthy flora into your digestive tract. Putting healthy bacteria into your digestive tract when it is still full of yeast is self defeating. After you have killed a large amount of yeast and parasites, now it is time to repopulate. You do not have to be as strict about the candida diet at this point, although you should always avoid a diet high in refined sugars for general health. Some great repopulating products are:
Biotic Bloom (this product also continues to kill yeast and can be used in phase 2 if desired)
Ultra Blend (probably the best source of healthy bacteria as it contains the same bacteria found in infants that is gradually killed as we age)
Threelac & Fivelac (great repopulaters and yeast killers, can be used in phase 2 also but best for stage 3)
Now that you have killed the yeast and parasites and repopulated your digestive tract, it is time for phase 4. Candida dramatically decreases the cells ability to absorb nutrients, leaving your body depleted on a cellular level. Now you need to replenish your body and assist your immune system functioning more effectively. Here are some great products for this stage:
Take a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement (life essence multiple, Omica plus, Bio sil, daily foods megaflora - these are all great supplements but you can choose any supplement you like - just replenish your body!)
Your liver and kidneys have been working overtime since you became infected so it is important to help them heal (Liver balance plus and kidney rescue are great sources)
Taking immune system boosting supplements is a good idea (Echinacea, ActivaMune, & ImmunExtra are g reat products).
Continue to take healthy bacterial supplements
You may want to take CandiClear5 or a product like three lac as a maintenance product.
Phase one should last about 2 months, phase two for 4 to 6 months, phase three and phase four can overlap and will usually take a year. You can be cured of candida yeast infection but always be aware of the circumstances that led you to the problem to begin with. It is always important to take care of one's health - many people find taking a probiotic for the rest of their lives is a great way to keep yeast at bay! Remember - drink plenty of water! Water helps your cells stay plump and healthy while also flushing the toxins, die off cells, etc. our of your system. There is no substitute for WATER!
How To Overcome A Yeast Infection Using Candida Cookbooks
One of the best ways a person can combat the effects of Candida is by following a strict Candida diet. Unfortunately with this diet there are a number of foods that you will need to eliminate from your diet. Luckily for you there are plenty of Candida cookbooks now available which can help you to produce great meals despite having to omit many of the ingredients that you would normally include.
To combat the symptoms of candida and regain balance, you need to omit foods which contain yeast, sugar, fungi and generally avoid processed foods. You will also find that you need to omit such foods such as cheese, marmite, vinegar based products, fruit (both fresh and dried) as well as smoked and fermented foods. This is because all of these contain elements, which the Candida bacteria feeds on and which will only help them grow more rapidly in the body.
However, as previously mentioned, there are many cookbooks now available which have been specifically produced for helping a person suffering from Candida. They can provide useful information about what you eat when either going out or planning a meal at home.
Many of the better cookbooks written for candida sufferers contain ingredients that are readily available at your local supermarket, greengrocers or butchers. With many of the ingredients being a combination of meats and vegetables (both of which do not promote candida growth).
As a candida overgrowth can effect the body's ability to absorb essential nutrients, then it is important that the meals that are eaten are rich in the essential vitamins and minerals and nutritional elements required by the body, so that you do not become malnourished.
In my opinion when looking for a good candida cookbook you should ensure it includes the following:
1. A list of the foods that should be restricted from the diet, including sugar, yeast, diary and fungi based foods
2. A comprehensive list of the foods that are excellent for combating candida, like garlic, onions and fresh vegetables
3. A list of the foods that are nutritionally rich and can be eaten without increasing candida overgrowth.
4. Exciting ways to combine these foods into nutritious and tasty meals that cover snacks, breakfast, lunch, evening meal and supper, as well as cooking for larger groups and children.
5. What to eat when eating out at a restaurant or at a friend's house.
A cookbook containing the above will help you manage the symptoms of candida and also give suggestions to help alleviate the sugar cravings, drowsiness and "mind fog" that can sometimes be linked to a candida albincans infection.
If you want to find out more abut how to manage candida naturally and about the candida cookbooks that we recommend, then sign up for our free newsletter below.
Natural Treatment for Candida
Candida albicans is a fungus normally present in our body usually in the genitourinary tract, mouth, throat and intestines. When there is imbalance in our body system, the fungus gets out of hand and grows rapidly. This overgrowth of candida leads to candidiasis, thrush or yeast infection. Although natural treatment for candida is another option for you, seek medical help if you suspect you have candida or yeast infection to know your health condition.
Vaginal yeast infection is a common candida infection. Symptoms of vaginal candida infection include itching, burning sensation and cheese like vaginal discharge. These symptoms are really annoying and worse it keeps coming back.
While there are over the counter and prescription medicines for candidiasis or yeast infection, natural treatment for candida is an alternative remedy. There are changes that you can do to prevent overgrowth of candida.
Diet is an important factor in the growth of candida albicans. It is important to pay attention to your diet as a natural treatment for candida. Starve candida. Sugar feeds candida, so stay away from sweets to deprive the fungus of food and stop its growth. Avoid too much consumption of sweetened foods like chocolates. You should also limit your intake of foods and beverages with yeast and fermented foods like cheese, mushroom, vinegar, catsup and beer.
Focus on your health and boost your immune system. This is an important natural treatment for candida. A weak and unhealthy body is a target of infection and bacteria. Get a complete sleep and avoid stress to keep your body healthy. Eat a well balanced diet and avoid processed foods. Diet rich in anti-oxidants is helpful to get rid of the toxins and boost your body's defence mechanism to control candida growth.
Personal hygiene and the type of clothing you wear affects candida growth. Practice good hygiene. Bacteria thrive on damp warm area, so it is important to keep your private parts clean and dry. Choose clothing made from natural fabric like cotton to allow air circulation and avoid accumulation of heat that promotes sweating and invites bacteria.
Self discipline and lifestyle change are important factors affecting natural treatment for candida. Do you want to get back your health and the life you deserve? Get a permanent relief from recurring itching and burning sensation and discover a natural treatment for candida visit 12 Hour Cure For Yeast Infection.
To find out more about health and beauty natural remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty.
What You Need To Know About Candida Albacans
Candida Albacans is a type of yeast fungus which, it is thought is present in everyone, or at least a large percentage of the population. It tends to live in either the mouth, the vaginal area, digestive tract or in the folds of our skin.
Normally a good immune system along with a healthy amount of friendly bacteria (probiotics) will help to keep the fungus from growing excessively.
Unfortunately if a person's immune system should become weakened through either illness or through excessive use of prescribed or non-prescribed drugs then this provides the Candida with a chance to grow quickly.
There are however, many ways of suppressing a Candida yeast infection from growing out of control.
Increasing the amount of probiotics in the body is one way that has shown to help. Probiotics are good bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract and they are part of the body's defense against yeast infections. Should their numbe rs become low there is nothing to stop the Candida from multiplying.
Probiotic supplements can help to reintroduce friendly bacteria into your body. Normally probiotics come in capsule form or as a drink, although there are some probiotic foods available. They all contain a large amount of friendly bacteria.
Generally a good probiotic supplement will contain around 30 - 50 billion good bacteria and will normally be taken as part of a treatment.
Another way of ensuring that Candida is not provided with the right kind of environment to thrive in is by changing your diet.
Often a person suffering from Candida will be recommended to go on an anti-candida diet.
These diets require the elimination of foods which contain sugar this includes granulated sugar, brown sugar, honey all types of syrups (maples and molasses) as well as many fruit and fruit juices.
Also, food that contain yeast should be removed from the diet as well, which would include all bakery goods like bread, cookies, crackers, muffins and pastries.
The reason for cutting these foods out of your diet are because both sugar and yeast are ideal for helping the Candida yeast fungi to grow even more and they do not create a friendly environment for the good bacteria to prosper.
As well as a change of diet often your doctor will probably prescribe a course of treatment, which includes drugs that have anti-fungal properties.
Your doctor will often prescribe them and request you to make changes to your diet. However, if they do not it is important that you find out the cause of your candida infection, otherwise it could reoccur after the medication has run its course.
Mention to your physician that you would like to look at ways of improving your immune system, and bolstering the levels of good bacteria in your GI tract, these will both help reduce the chance of candida albacans from reoccurring.
Choosing Alternative Candida Cures
If you find yourself suffering from a yeast infection called candida albicans, then finding candida cures that you can rely on is of prime importance.
Thankfully, there are plenty of places on the Internet, which can provide you with details regarding the various types of Candida cures that you may want to try.
Some are of a more traditional nature such as those prescribed by your doctor, but there are plenty of alternative methods also which have shown to be effective.
In this article we will take a closer look at some of the alternative forms of curing Candida.
However, if you do think you are suffering from Candida then before you decide which type of Candida cure you are going to use you should consult your doctor first to ensure that the diagnosis is correct.
If you are misdiagnosed then there can be complications later, which can include reoccurrence of the infection.
Continue reading to d iscover more about natural methods to relieve candida then sign up for our free newsletter.
1. Candida Wellness Programs
These programs have been specifically designed to help cure the affects of Candida and there are various types of programs that you can find online.
Most of these programs guarantee that they are able to remove around 95% of all the Candida that can be found in your body.
They all come with easy to follow instructions, which will ensure the complete removal of Candida. With this type of Candida cure they put a lot of emphasis on the diet that a person follows and provide ways in which a change in their diet not only helps to remove Candida from the body but also makes you feel much healthier as well.
2. Intestinal Cleansing
This is probably one of the cheapest and easiest ways of helping to remove Candida from the body.
It is especially for people who suffer from in testinal fungus or yeast overgrowth as well as increased amounts of pathogenic bacteria or parasites. The main objective of this type of Candida cure is to remove all the waste including debris, putrefied food and faeces along with solidified mucus from the intestinal tract and digestive system.
By removing these the yeast will become exposed and thus making it easier for other treatments such as probiotic capsules or suppositories or anti-fungal medications to help kill and finally eliminate the Candida yeast from your body.
One especially good cleansing program you may wish to try is known as the Lemonade Diet. Although it does contain sugar in the Lemons which would normally be avoided in a strict candida diet, the sugar contained in the lemons is raw rather than refined so the Candida yeast bacteria does not thrive on it to the same extent as they would with refined sugars.
However, neither diabetics nor hypoglycemics, because of th e high raw sugar content, should use this type of cleansing regime.
So, if you are looking for natural Candida cures then the ones shown above may be what you are looking for. However do not forget to discuss your options with your doctor if you decide to use these first.