Candida albicans is a type of yeast that thrives in warm-blooded animals. It is one of myriad organisms that make their home in our intestines. Normally, these creatures are kept in balance with the other microorganisms that are part of our intestinal flora. However, these yeast can thrive when a person's immune system is suppressed or otherwise compromised. Candida albicans will also thrive when nutritional intake is unbalanced.
A candida albicans infection can cause a whole host of symptoms. Because these symptoms are often associated with other conditions as well, it becomes difficult to diagnose candidiasis. Candida can affect the immune system, the liver, and cause allergic reactions. It can cause aches, fatigue, digestive disorders, depression, and many other symptoms. Since these could also be symptoms of other problems, it is difficult to determine if candidiasis is the problem. Speak with your doctor if you suspect you might have chronic candidiasis.
Sometimes, just treating a candida albicans infection with proper nutrition and herbs can result in a significant improvement, even if you are unsure whether you really are infected or not. If you get a confirmed diagnosis from a doctor, then drugs are another treatment option, though they often come with significant side-effects that you will need to be aware of. Starting with the nutritional route may prevent the need to take drugs, and provide relief from the infection.
Finally, there are many programs out there that combine natural treatment options, including candida diets, cleanses and herbal remedies into an organized treatment system. Many people have had success following these symptoms. As always, be sure to consult with your doctor before beginning any treatment option, whether it be with drugs, herbs, diets, or cleansing.
Treating a candida albicans infection with proper nutrition is always a good place to start. Great results and relief from symptoms can be experience by simply changing how you eat. And, unlike drugs, there are no negative side-effects with this method.
1. Limit foods with high sugar content
Yeast thrive on sugar, so the first thing to do is cut out or significantly limit the amount of high-sugar foods you consume. As far as diet changes go, this is the single most important change you can make. However, if foods high in sugar are a large part of your diet, this may be the most difficult change to make. It is important to note that this change includes eliminating foods that contain refined flour, such as pretzels, crackers and breads (especially white breads). Fruit juices and citrus fruits and are often high in sugar as well, and should be avoided.
2. Limit fermented, yeast and mold containing foods
This includes alcoholic beverages, breads and cheeses. Stay away from peanuts, too, as these often contain aflatoxin, which is a type of mold.
3. Include lots of whole-grain foods and protein-rich foods
These include fruit (especially berries, but avoid citrus fruits), any vegetables, brown rice, beans and legumes (in small amounts), chicken, turkey, eggs and fish.
Changing your diet is always a good place to start, but don't let it replace a visit to your doctor. Discuss other treatment options with him or her. Look at some of the treatment programs available and bring them to your doctor for evaluation. Together, you can beat candidiasis and finally get the relief you deserve.