Candida Diet

The Candida Diet
Candida is a group of yeast microorganisms that are found predominantly in the mouth, throat, intestines and genital/urinary tract. Candida levels are usually maintained at a healthy level by the immune system and beneficial probiotic bacteria in the body maintained using the Candida Diet. Certain species of candida, more commonly candida albicans, can cause infection in these areas of the body when abundance occurs. This effect is known as Candidiasis.

Candidiasis occurs when the bacterial balance is disturbed, resulting in an overgrowth of candida cells. Risk of Candidiasis is elevated due to a weakened immune system, making it commonly found in correspondence with other diseases and conditions. The overgrowth in Candida has been linked with people commencing antibiotic courses. This results because the antibiotics kill and restrict the growth of all types of bacteria, including the healthy and necessary bacteria. The candida overgrowth occurs because candida cells are immune to antibiotics, resulting in an imbalance in bacteria in the affected area.

Ordinarily, specialist will recommend the Candida Diet to help treat and prevent the causes of candida overgrowth. However the Candida Diet is recommended to previous sufferers as a more notably successful method of preventing rather than treating candidiasis from occurring again. There are a number of simple guidelines to follow that ensure a healthy bacterial balance.

Detoxification is a recommended first step in creating a stable bacterial level to decrease the risk of candida overgrowth. It is additionally important to sustain a healthy diet to improve the chances of preventing candida overgrowth. Candida cells flourish on sugars and carbohydrates; therefore it is important to manage the intake of foods containing high levels of these substances. These include foods high in gluten (wheat, rye, oats, barley), as well as honeys and syrups. Also avoid hydrogenated fats such as margarine, similarly avoid highly processed foods and consume more organic foods. Other foods to avoid include Aged cheeses, alcohol, chocolate, dried fruits, fermented foods, mushrooms and vinegar. There are many foods that should be avoided; however there are a few foods and supplements that are emphasised in the Candida Diet. It is recommended to increase the intake of eggs, white meat, seafood and vegetables low in carbohydrates. It is important not to consume any substances that may lower the immune system. Therefore the consumption of drugs, alcohol and smoking should be avoided.

An effective method of treating and preventing Candidiasis is through the supplementing of Probiotics. Probiotics is a relatively new treatment for a range of conditions. It is most commonly used in correspondence with antibiotics to manage the adverse effects that can occur. Probiotics are microorganisms or bacteria that live in the human intestinal tract. They help the body's natural immunity, keep us healthy and help our digestion system. As opposed to antibiotics, Probiotics are supplements containing live bacteria (sometimes referred to as "Good" bacteria) that aid in proper bodily function. It is incorporated into the diet usually through tablets or capsules which contain high amounts of good bacteria. Probiotics favourably alters the intestinal bacterial balance, restricts the thriving of harmful bacteria, encourages good digestion, boosts the immune system, and increases resistance to infection. People with a well bacterially balanced intestinal tract are more capable of fighting the growth of disease-causing bacteria such as Candida cells.

Bishop writes about how candida can upset the balance of digestive enzymes and proposes probiotic supplements as a way to respote the balance.